Early September Update: New Cheats, Translation Updates

Estranged: The Departure

Estranged: The Departure follows the story of a fisherman, stranded on a mysterious island during a violent storm. Little does he know his adventure has just begun, and the island is home to more than it first seems.

An update with cheats and translation updates is now available for Windows, macOS and Linux! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/27893488/4c71f62bd7de9f11bb050ec57fe2e6dae60ed6ae.jpg[/img] [i]A player screenshot from [url=https://discord.gg/estranged]Discord[/url] user Badbadalex1#5096[/i] [b]New Cheats[/b] The following new cheats (requested on the forums) are available to spawn Arque guards with, equipped with various weapons: [list][*][b]spawn guard[/b] - Pistol [*][b]spawn guard rifle[/b] - Assault rifle [*][b]spawn guard shotgun[/b] - Shotgun (AI don't use this, just one scripted scene) [*][b]spawn guard rat[/b] - Rat Tracing technology [*][b]spawn guard laser[/b] - Assault rifle with high-powered laser[/list] [b]Language Updates[/b] The following languages have also received updates from the translation community: [list][*]Czech [*]German [*]Persian [*]Finnish [*]Portuguese [*]Slovak [*]Turkish [*]Vietnamese[/list][url={STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/27893488/d70b2ca34aae9a8a8672da0e11f65eda2a00858a.png][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/27893488/2dc5668fbebadf1652fd93855df70d0c7003cf0e.png[/img][/url] I'm always around on the forums, or on discord.gg/estranged if you'd like to report bugs, or provide feedback. Thank you for playing Estranged! Alan