High Stakes PvPvE—blending MOBA, Sandbox, and MMO progression elements. AOE skill based action combat, seasonal gear progression, loadouts, seamless combat-gathering, partial loot PvP—item corruption & cleansing system, and risk-boosted RNG. Ascend 51 ranks—become a Time Slayer.
At the start of early access—There are 18 weapons with 72 different abilities, 92 armor & gem pieces, 18 Torments & Souls, 10 enchant tiers & 5 regrade tiers respectively to progress through on loadout gear & weapons, 3 different biomes with 2 additional sub-biomes, 16 different bosses (4 boss types with 4 variations each), 51 Ranks, 30 craftable buffs, 18 different pieces of Dimension equipment (Temporary per-game gear.), & over 180 unique items to obtain.
Our combat system provides fast movement, vertical freedom on abilities, third-person shooter aiming with projectiles, & fantasy action combat in one intuitive bundle. The horse mount has 3 abilities with the Sprint, Glide, & Leap offering great movement when not in combat. Our respawn timers are consistently 8 seconds. Never waste 40-70 seconds staring at a screen again. Zoom out of base with your horse abilities and an additional 'base defender' movement speed buff every time. Nearly every skill in the game is an AOE which means no more mageballing—every weapon is viable in group fights. Tired of small abilities in a fantasy combat system? Good. We didn't hold back—ready to bring down 5 enemies with one combo? We embrace freedom of choice, and haven't assigned you a lane or role. The map is full of resources to progress your gear. Work with your team, or hunt down enemies on your own. The choice of what to prioritize and how to play is up to you.
We are thrilled to dive into the world of Pawan with you all in a little under 2 weeks!