Rotwood Patch Notes [638520]


The world has been thrown into chaos, and it's up to you and your friends to battle the corrupted beasts of the Rotwood. Upgrade your gear, choose your preferred weapon, and hone your skills to defend your safe haven.

[h3]Changes:[/h3] [list] [*]The crafting screen now tracks which tab you last accessed [*]The chest now tracks which tab you last accessed [*]Added a "No Freebies" descriptor to Super Frenzy 1 [/list] [h3]Fixes:[/h3] [list] [*]Fixed a bug where Rook could be damaged by certain powers while not shattered [*]Fixed a bug where you could not upgrade the Summon Slots power associated with With a Little Help [*]Fixed a big where Snowball Effect gained stacks from killing Environmental Objects instead of Enemies [*]Fixed several scenarios where you could retain multiple bow effects at the same time [*]The Five Finger Brew now properly gives 0 health instead of 1 in Super Frenzy levels [*]Added some missing names [*]Fixed the most frequent crashes reported by our crash reporter [/list]