Rotwood Fall Update Part 1 - Splintershard Cavern Now Live!


The world has been thrown into chaos, and it's up to you and your friends to battle the corrupted beasts of the Rotwood. Upgrade your gear, choose your preferred weapon, and hone your skills to defend your safe haven.

[previewyoutube=VUGrm3hraWM;full][/previewyoutube] Hello hunters! Today we are releasing the first part of our Fall Update for Rotwood. The Splintershard Cavern Update includes a wide variety of content that we have been working on since our previous update: a new Weapon Type; a new Hunt and its associated Boss, Miniboss, Rots, Armour, Weapons, Heartstone, and more; the addition of Super Frenzies for more late-game content and challenges; crafting of Boss Weapons to begin harnessing the power of Boss Rots for yourself and some world restructuring provide a smoother and less grindy experience for new players and old players alike, while laying the groundwork for incoming narrative. NOTE: We wanted some more time to put a high shine on [url=]Anomalies and Gems[/url] so those will be released in the second part of the Fall Update in November. We'll be opening up the beta for Anomalies and Gems very soon! One last note. A big thanks once again to everybody that helped with testing during the beta. We appreciate all of those bug reports and well thought out feedback. See you in part 2 very soon! [h3]Highlights Include:[/h3] [list] [*] A new weapon type: the Bow [*] A new hunt and its associated content: Splintershard Cavern [*] Super Frenzies, Elite Bosses, and Boss Weapons for two Hunts [*] Anomalies: temporary and forever-changing modifiers to some Frenzy Hunts offering much more variety (coming to beta very soon) [*] Gems (coming to beta very soon) [*] Economy updates and equipment upgrading balance changes [*] Game progression improvements and smoothing [*] Improvements to game feel, including more consistent ability to Stagger and Interrupt enemies [*] We're going to spend a bit of time responding to any issues that pop up for this release and then we're going to focus on getting ready for the Anomalies and Gems beta coming soon. Stay tuned! [/list] [h3]An important message about game progression: [/h3] Finally, as part our work to smooth out progression, reduce grind, and introduce Super Frenzies, the path through Frenzies has changed. Before, a Hunt's Frenzy Levels were unlocked immediately after clearing that Hunt. Now, Frenzies for the first Zone (the first four Hunts) are all unlocked after clearing the entire Zone. Frenzies for the second Zone (which presently consists of Bonechill Quarry and Splintershard Cavern) are unlocked upon clearing all of Zone 2. Due to this change, if you have been playing in higher Frenzies before this update without completing the other levels of that Hunt's Zone, you will have to complete the rest of the Zone before continuing higher Frenzies. For more information and a huge set of update notes, check the official forums: