Roadmap to 1.0 full release and beyond

Baldr's Squid Isekai: A Parody

Baldr’s Squid Isekai is an adult parody Rogue-lite extraction RPG with lots of cartoon violence! And uh, sex, I guess.

Hi everyone! Since the game is coming out very soon, I thought I’d throw up a short roadmap so you would know what the development process looks like for this game. Like I promised during the crowdfunding phase, the development period for BSI will be hyper fast. In fact, I anticipate it taking no more than 4-5 months after the Early Access launch. This is mostly due to the fact that BSI is a shorter game, and because I am now a more experienced gamedev (hopefully). That doesn’t mean BSI isn’t important. No, instead I think it will be one of the most important games in my ongoing series. Since its inception, BSI has gone from a joke game to something I’ve been looking forward to very much: it will explain much of the cosmology behind the series. Here, we’ll explore the epic, cosmic lore that never could find a home in my (slightly) more grounded games. But first, some dates and predictions: [b]April - The Dwarves[/b] The second Wilds area, including new Dwarven-themed enemies and a boss. Also, some additional equipment and items. More fleshed-out skill-trees. [b]May - The Elves [/b] The third Wilds area, including new Elven-themed enemies and a boss. [b]June - New Game+ and the Final Area, preparation for 1.0[/b] Allows for the standard ending and New Game+ mode, which unlocks the fourth Wilds area with a mystery theme and boss. Preparing for 1.0 launch. [b]July - Backer content[/b] Includes all backer and stretch goals content from the crowdfunding!