Revolt of Change Logs


Experience the thrills of a fast-paced single and multiplayer Parkour game. Join the Rebellion and deride the security forces of an anti-leisure tyranny. Rise up to the many challenges of a futuristic Open World. Assemble your team, enhance your gear and perform incredible tricks and combos.

[img][/img] As you have noticed we made a few updates since we launched the game. Here's the change logs: [b]For version 1.0 to 1.3[/b] [b]New Content[/b] [list] [*]Added Grind-E, Great Admin, and E-deki pet DLCs.[/*] [*]Added 10 achievements (and fixed bugs with said achievements).[/*] [*]Added color scheme in the list of online players, green for friends, red for pirates (yaaarrrr).[/*] [*]Your steam name is now displayed online and not your character’s name.[/*] [/list] [b]Debug[/b] [list] [*]Deleted a dialog from “Buddy” who used to tease about future feature release.[/*] [*]Collision fixes in Gameball arenas, Garbage Village, HP+ tower and other areas.[/*] [*]Fixed Grind bugs in Haven District.[/*] [*]Added some wall barriers to prevent climbing some building walls.[/*] [*]Added security cameras in the Administration District.[/*] [*]Some hitboxes size on ground level in the sewers have been decreased.[/*] [*]Fixed ; Some transitions areas that didn’t lead the player to the right place (administrative district to sewers).[/*] [*]Pet and graffiti chips don’t disappear when an other player or an AI appears.[/*] [*]Some texts were adjusted in the interface for various translations.[/*] [*]Fixed ; some texts that weren’t in the correct language.[/*] [*]Social features improved.[/*] [*]Greendy’s special grid slots are now correctly displayed.[/*] [*]Keyboard configuration is no more in french by default.[/*] [*]NPCs names are now translated.[/*] [*]When caught in the orbital station, players will no longer be sent in prison, but in a small arranged cell, therefore being caught is not so punitive anymore.[/*] [*]The E-Cop antenna in the orbital station (that let you reset your wanted level) has been deleted.[/*] [*]Flying plateforms path of the final boss have been changed.[/*] [*]Score mission from Picasso in Haven District has been moved.[/*] [*]Some characters’ traits were tweaked.[/*] [*]Pets are no longer stuck on “hungry” state when playing online.[/*] [/list] We are very careful to all your feedback to improve the game and fix what needs to be fixed. Keep posting on the forum if you see anything wrong. Note that we are currently working on improvements to the "Friends System" so you can gather online with your friends ever more easily than now. Expect more addition in the coming weeks.