Regarding Update 1.5

Heads Will Roll

Hardcore survival RPG with non-linear story that lets you taste the life of a medieval soldier.

Hello! First of all I'd like to apologize as I promised to release Update 1.5 some time ago but was unable to do that. However there's good news - the update is now in its final stages and should be coming very soon. I will not be giving a precise deadline so I won't blow it again but it is very close to being done. Update 1.5 is shaping to be absolutely massive. Here is an incomplete changelog with just the main changes: 1. Antidote rework - it now can apply a 'Poison Shield' effect that negates incoming poison damage. It also can be comsumed before battle. 2. New weapon type - throwing daggers. 3. New attacks (including some unique ones) for Justice Sword, Executioner's Axe, Estoc, Noble sword, Warhammer, Great Warhammer, Bastard sword, Mercenary's companion. 4. Shield can be dropped in battle. You can pick it back up during looting phase (some of the shot crossbow bolts and thrown daggers will also spawn there so you can pick them back up). 5. Scaling penalty for passivity in battle. 6. New character - Blacksmith. Player can use his services to repair armor, helmets and shields. Blacksmith will also be giving several quests. 7. Posion rework - it can be now applied to your weapon in inventory menu or in battle (from trinket slot). 8. One bottle of poison can now be used to poison up to 3 bolts\daggers, losing 1 charge after each use. These partly-used bottles can still be applied to your weapon (giving it 1, 2 or 3 poison charges respecfully). 9. Enemies now can spawn with and use various trinkets. 10. Sheriff now drops proper loot (exactly the weapon that he had when you killed him). 11. Shop rework - overall number of available items was increased. Shop now spawns less crafting items, less duplicates and more armor\weapons\trinkets\equipment. 12. Some slight reworks to crossbows (the way they interact with armor). Also quarrelheads and arrows will now be a lot cheaper. 13. Massive update for Scavenge - a lot of new events and interactions (including running into traders or having battles with unique enemies and even some animals). 14. Bleed resistance effect (from Coagulant or trinkets) now has a proper visual icon. Coagulant can be consumed in camp to remove Bloodloss and Light Bloodloss. 15. Various new items. 16. A couple of new craftable items. Changes to some of the recipes. 17. Improved loot pools - enemies should no longer drop dirt cheap items like cloth or leather or quarrelheads and will more often drop more expensive items. 18. Several new unique quests and interactions for Bartholomew (including an ability to trade with him for some uncommon items). Also rework of his visual model. 19. In-game descriptions for unique abilities of bosses (Shield Wall, Warden etc.). 20. Fatigue icons of player and enemies can now be hovered over with mouse to see a pop-up window with information (you now longer have to open any menus to see the numbers). 21. New patterns of behaviour for AI (for example. enemies with two-handed axes will try ro actively break your armor until their friends have enough damage to reliably punch through it). On top of that, of course, tons of bugfixes and probably a lot of other stuff! So yeah, this update is gonna be a pretty big one. Hopefully it will be out in a week or so and, after that, i'll be doing new story chapters. Stay tuned!