HWR News: Downfall's release, upcoming patch and crowdfunding campaign

Heads Will Roll

Hardcore survival RPG with non-linear story that lets you taste the life of a medieval soldier.

Hello guys! I wanted to do a quick announcement in case some of you missed our latest news. Heads Will Roll: Downfall — a free-to-play prologue for HWR: Reforged — is already out and you can play it right now! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1903060/Heads_Will_Roll_Downfall/ At the moment we're working on a big patch for the game that is going to add a bunch of QoL features and also do a major balance shift. You can read more about the upcoming patch here: https://steamcommunity.com/games/1903060/announcements/detail/3409813763404182281 And last but not least we wanted to announce that we're lauching a Boosty page (an equivalent of Patreon since Patreon doesn't work with Russian citizens) where anyone (from any country), who has a desire to do so, can offer us some financial support for a bunch of rewards. This is strictly voluntarily so please don't feel pressured to do so. But, if you want to show your appreciation or to support the ongoing development of HWR: Reforged — you're welcome to do so. Here's the link: https://boosty.to/1917studios But, let me be maximum clear, HWR: Reforged will be properly finished and released no matter how successful or unsuccessful this Boosty campaign will turn out to be. That's it for today. Take care and, if you want some more HWR news, make sure to join our [url=https://discord.gg/6y2NjEpXWv]Discord[/url]. Cheers, 1917 Studios