Shady Knight is a first-person skill-driven melee action game centered around swift swordplay, acrobatic archery, and fluid platforming that seamlessly blends combat and parkour skills into a stylish dance of death full of creative chaos.
[*] New AIR PARRY improvement. Parrying spikes gives you the same vertical boost as parrying a jumping enemy.
[*] The chained dropkick softlock (when you stuck with swaying camera) when an enemy warps while you dropkick. Hopefully fixed for good!
[*] Improved stagger wave on slams. Slamming an enemy will stagger nearby enemies in an area around the slam's hit position.
[*] A successful dropkick will also stagger nearby enemies (within a smaller range than a slam, but still) to avoid unfair damage if you dropkick an enemy surrounded by other baddies.
[*] [i]Some bugs are just so rare and crazy. Check out this one.[/i] Fixed. A quick restart during the process of slamming an enemy (the slamming process usually takes less than 0.2s) would prevent you from harming this particular instance on an enemy on your next run, but only when it's being knocked, i.e. it's still killable, but not when it's falling. Only in Shady :D
[*] Fixed Style Point. Thrown Weapon sometimes counts as Kicked Weapon style point.
[*] Fixed. Wrong number of filled orbs on the exit Nexus-portal on WRATH.
[*] Knocked heavies can be killed with a falling crate.
[*] Fixed. Enemy introduction arenas (first arenas on hubs) would sometimes end before the last enemy was killed.
[*] Fixed. inconsistency of the new Damage On Focus = OFF option.