Nominate Shady Knight for Steam Awards!

Shady Knight

Shady Knight is a first-person skill-driven melee action game centered around swift swordplay, acrobatic archery, and fluid platforming that seamlessly blends combat and parkour skills into a stylish dance of death full of creative chaos.

[h2]Let's slide jump right into the 2024 Steam Awards! [/h2] There's no true triumph in Shady Knight without a path of countless falls, and there's a fun category specifically for that kind of games! When you reach the flawless state, it's a very special feeling. Quickly dealing with things that seemed untouchable at first. [url=]Parrying even the craziest blows.[/url] Falling hundreds of times before pulling sick mid-air combos. [b]You can become a truly unstoppable force of style, and if you know the feeling, please consider nominating Shady Knight for the upcoming Steam Awards![/b] I've put too much of myself into making this mad mix of physicality, first-person trickery and melee mechanics work as ONE and I'm so happy to see players resonating with the gameplay I've always dreamt of making. Thank you all so much! I'll be back soon with new updates <3 Yours cptnsigh