Quality of life update is now live, with Save Slots and better mission select

Tactical Breach Wizards

In Tactical Breach Wizards, you lead a team of renegade wizards in kevlar through turn-based battles to unravel a modern conspiracy plot. Combine their unique spells in clever ways, or rewind time to try every crazy plan you can think of to punch a Traffic Warlock through a 4th story window.

We've just released an update focused on making it easier to jump around the campaign, and play the bits of the game you want to play in the way you want to play them. There were already two ways to do this, but their naming and placement was confusing enough that a lot of people were not finding the right one for what they wanted to do, or finding it didn't quite work the way they wanted. If you hit any issues please let us know, and see the bottom of this post for how to jump back to the previous build of the game if you need to. Here's what's new! [h3]Jump to Stage[/h3] We've renamed the 'Mission Select' option on the main menu to better reflect what it really does. It's intended as a way to jump to a certain point to the campaign and play through the campaign from there, like loading a save game. But because you're loading a save game, not all of your current progress is preserved, so it's a bad way to jump around and e.g. get confidence goals you missed. [h3]Save Slots[/h3] If you do want to jump to a previous stage and play the campaign from there, previously you'd lose your progress through the current mission - especially awkward if you'd just finished the campaign. We've now added a save slot system, so that if you jump to a previous stage or start a new game, you're prompted to do so in a new save slot - and you can still jump back to your old one anytime. Save Slots are fully independent, so you can also let someone else play through the game without affecting your playthrough. [h3]The Missions Hub[/h3] This is the tab you see between missions, and it lets you jump to any previous level and replay it with your current squad and perks. But a) it wasn't really clear that it was different from the Jump to Stage menu, and b) you could only access it from certain points in the campaign - some of them quite far apart. We've now added an option to the in game menu to jump back to this anytime, and an option on the main menu to go straight to this screen. You can also use this feature to tweak your perks (if you have refund points) or change your outfits mid-mission. Some more improvements here: [list] [*] Previously you couldn't replay a couple of tutorial levels this way, since they'd break if you changed characters. Now you can, we just disable the ability to choose your own squad on those. [*] If you have the Special Edition and commentary enabled, you'll now see a tape icon on levels that have commentary. [*] Clicking the 'use defaults' option on team select will also enable the original breach dialogue. [/list] [h3]Save data location[/h3] All your progress should carry over seamlessly, we've had no reports of any issues there, but if you do wanna play it safe and back up your stuff, you'll find it in your appdata folder. For me it looks like this: [b]C:\Users\Username\AppData\LocalLow\Suspicious Developments\Tactical Breach Wizards\SaveData[/b] [h3]How to roll back, if needed[/h3] If for some reason you wanna get back to the old version of the game, right click on the game in your Steam library, go to Properties > Betas then choose the 'oldversion' branch from the drop down list in the top right.  Do let us know what your issue was so we can work on it! Best way to report feedback is with the in-game menu where possible. Cheers!