QoL patch! Pre-patch to Misfits Upgrade!

De'Vine: Heavenly Acres

Welcome to your farm on Heavenly Acres! Farmland that presents many opportunities. Harvest trees & plants. Grow Crops. Romance with other misfits. Collect up to 200 unique monsters and compete with monster battles! Indulge in the underground for buried treasure and dangerous monsters!

[h2]This patch has core functions needed to build v1.10[/h2] [b]Many QoL changes in this patch as well[/b] - Event jittering visual glitch has been fixed. - A visual glitch caused by rain resulting in large water bubbles on screen has been fixed. - Crops now visually blink blue when you successfully water them. - Hi-resource items (Perfectly Cut Logs... Etc) has been added to regular harvesting with a 1% higher chance to get them with each level in your respective profession (botany, mining) - 2 Achievements have been redesigned. The old ones were too difficult to get as they were dependent on a certain end to the story chapter. Now you will get the same achievement no matter which ending you get. - Renown has been re-balanced for Misfit bounties. - Sovereign has been balanced more. - A couple bug fixes thanks to the help of some patient players! Thank you! - Also balanced the Build Energy in professions! [h2]What the heck is next, Stapleton??[/h2] I will tell ya what is next. Misfits. Misfits. Misfits. What is planned... - Manage a tavern: Hire Misfits to help run the tavern for you. Stock up on beer and other beverages! Misfits perform better the more relationship you have with them! - Manage a Training Facility: Hire Misfits to take on "Missions" with your monsters that you do not have in your current setup! This brings back rewards AND levels up your monsters. The level they reach CANNOT surpass the highest level monster you own. - More misfit backstories, dialog, and quests. Going to be adding a couple quests for EACH misfit. Have any more suggestions you'd like to see me consider! Feel free to shoot some at me! I am going to keep it rather tangible as i've wanted to dish out content patches at MOST once a month. Thank you! - Stapleton!