LAST 24 HOURS! SALE 20% Heavenly Acres!

De'Vine: Heavenly Acres

Welcome to your farm on Heavenly Acres! Farmland that presents many opportunities. Harvest trees & plants. Grow Crops. Romance with other misfits. Collect up to 200 unique monsters and compete with monster battles! Indulge in the underground for buried treasure and dangerous monsters!

[h2]Last 24 hours of De'Vine: Universe Sale![/h2] Take advantage of the Sale for De'Vine: Heavenly Acres. Still 20% OFF for the last 24 hours! [h2]Other News![/h2] Progress is being made for more misfit content. It will be releasing VERY soon. [b]Will include:[/b] - Unique indicators when low on energy, sustenance, and other factors. These will be a speech bubble that contains speech unique to the misfit you are playing. - New dialogue for your spouses and personal stories being told around the campfire. [b]What is still planned for the misfits:[/b] - A couple unique quests for each misfit. - Small interactive backstory via the mail system for each misfit. - More Dialogue - A tavern to run and hire misfits to run it for you. Possibly: - Hire misfits to level monsters for you. Thank you to anyone whom has ran into any issues and reported them! As always, I am working to resolve them! It has definitely been a very productive last month and I am looking forward to more content for you all to enjoy! Thanks! - Stapleton