Heavenly Acres is now on SALE! 20% OFF! For a week!

De'Vine: Heavenly Acres

Welcome to your farm on Heavenly Acres! Farmland that presents many opportunities. Harvest trees & plants. Grow Crops. Romance with other misfits. Collect up to 200 unique monsters and compete with monster battles! Indulge in the underground for buried treasure and dangerous monsters!

[h2]Heavenly Acres is on SALE![/h2] Now is the best time to pick it up as it is the cheapest it has ever been! [h1]20% off for a week![/h1] [h2]This is also Heavenly Acres one month Anniversary Sale[/h2] [b]Many things have changed since it released including.[/b] - World Transformer to change through different overworld themes.. - Expanded Tutorial System. - Keyboard and Gamepad Configurations. - In-game Informational Help menu. - Adjustable run speed. - Achievement rewards. - And more! Now is the perfect time to consider getting Heavenly Acres! Still unsure? Download the demo and find out if you like it! [b]The Demo is about 3 weeks back on patches so it does NOT include:[/b] - World Transformer - Expanded Tutorial System - Achievement rewards Thank you all for your continued interest in the game and feel free to contact me (Stapleton) with any questions or concerns! - Stapleton