Informational Menu is LIVE along with some other tweaks!

De'Vine: Heavenly Acres

Welcome to your farm on Heavenly Acres! Farmland that presents many opportunities. Harvest trees & plants. Grow Crops. Romance with other misfits. Collect up to 200 unique monsters and compete with monster battles! Indulge in the underground for buried treasure and dangerous monsters!

The Informational Menu can be found in System Options of the menu. CLICK on Help to enter into it. There will be many many pages of information with visuals such as all your crops you can farm, animals, and so fourth. Also included is a glossary. This will be expanded upon in the future. Do not feel obligated to read all of this or try to memorize it all. You can go back to the menu whenever you like at all times of the day! Let me know what you all think of it and if you think more needs to be added! NEXT up is Keyboard and Gamepad configuration! Take care! Thank you! - Stapleton