Fantasy Map Simulator: Create and watch imaginary worlds evolve over centuries. Design maps, simulate nations, and control destinies. See empires rise and fall on your desktop wallpaper. A unique simulation for history buffs and creative minds.
[h1]Game Update Log[/h1]
[h2]New Features[/h2]
[h3]Map Editing[/h3]
[*]Added province editing panel
- Support for drawing new provinces
- Support for changing province capital locations
[*]Added country editing brush
- Edit country-occupied provinces in brush form
[*]New option in map editing panel
- Choose whether to place countries only on land
[*]Added latitude and longitude adjustment
- Located in map editing ecology options
[h3]Interface Improvements[/h3]
[*]Added camera zoom speed adjustment
- Adjustable in the settings panel
[*]Added attack arrow display distance adjustment
- Located in the map appearance panel
[*]Added numerical display for some sliders
[h3]Country Behavior Panel Updates[/h3]
[*]New function buttons added
- Reduce corruption
- Increase corruption
- Turn off all traits
- Turn on all traits
[*]Added input box for army placement quantity
- Place a specified number of troops at once
[h3]Other Improvements[/h3]
[*]Added new prompt information
- Overlays event prompt panel when clicking specific buttons
[h2]Bug Fixes[/h2]
[*]Fixed an issue where placed armies could not be saved
[*]Fixed a bug where the ecology regeneration warning panel could not automatically hide