November 8th Update: River System Features

Fantasy Map Simulator

Fantasy Map Simulator: Create and watch imaginary worlds evolve over centuries. Design maps, simulate nations, and control destinies. See empires rise and fall on your desktop wallpaper. A unique simulation for history buffs and creative minds.

[h2]New Features[/h2] [h3]River System[/h3] [list] [*]Added river drawing feature in Map Editor -> Edit Ecology -> Draw Rivers [*]Controls: ・Left-click to select and edit rivers ・SHIFT + Left-click to create new rivers ・ALT + Left-click to add control points ・DELETE to remove selected rivers[/*] [/list] [h3]War Statistics[/h3] [list] [*]Added casualties and elimination statistics [*]Available data: ・View battle losses for both sides in Nation Panel ・Access detailed war statistics in Statistics Panel[/*] [/list] [h3]Nation Placement[/h3] [list] [*]Adjusted nation placement mechanism on height maps: ・New nations now start with a single province ・No longer occupies the entire map by default ・Nations gradually expand from their initial province[/*] [/list] [h2]System Improvements[/h2] [list] [*]Enhanced army AI decision-making: ・Fixed armies getting stuck in loops when defending against island nation invasions ・Improved military operation efficiency[/*] [*]Fixed invalid burg names appearing during province editing[/*] [*]Fixed save files failing to load due to time overflow issues[/*] [/list] Recent updates have focused on improving the map editor functionality. If you encounter any issues while using the software, please don't hesitate to contact us with your feedback. Editor-related features will be near completion by November, and from December onwards, we will begin updating game simulation content.