Pre-Early Access v0.1.01 In Beta


Battle your friends in this cozy cartoon multiplayer car shooter! Get unique physics based weapons to destroy your friends and customise your car to suit your style! Get tagging and bagging them kills today!

[h3]News[/h3] Early access version v0.1.01 is now available in the beta tab if you use the code: [i][b]Auto29TiploZoo[/b][/i] So everyone that has access to the main game can now play and test the new update by going into the Steam Beta Tab. This is the start of a big change in Autotag and I'm excited to get some feedback. [h3]Change List:[/h3] [list] [*] Added new car model (Minmizer) [*] Scaled player [*] Added new physics model [*] Fixed Jittering (client side) [*] Fixed physics lag (client) [*] Fixed animation lag (client) [*] Smoothed player movements (client) [*] Fixed game crash when trying to load dessert island map [*] Added playground to solo play [*] Added new landscape material [*] Added new trim option in garage [*] Added Async Loading (allows shaders to load in) [*] Added tyre smoke affect [*] Added black to colours in garage (unlocked at level 0) [*] Added solo play back to main menu [/list] [b][i]IF YOU ARE USING THE TRUCK SKIN, PLEASE REMOVE BY GOING TO THE GARAGE AND SELECTING THE FIRST CAR TO FIX ANY ISSUE[/i][/b]