V0.1.05 Live Playtest!


Battle your friends in this cozy cartoon multiplayer car shooter! Get unique physics based weapons to destroy your friends and customise your car to suit your style! Get tagging and bagging them kills today!

Hi all, The latest update brings a load of new features and is now free to download from the store in the form of the playtest, get your friends and start the battle. Official changes v0.1.04 - Added auto pickup to weapons - Respawn time is now 3s - Removed default death text (stop flickering) - Fixed weapon spawners spawning multiple at same time - Cannon damage upped to 40 - Cannon volume increased - Handbrake effect doubled - Front wheels now affected by handbrake - Braking effect doubled - No longer shoot when dead - Fixed chat box issue with scrolling - Can no longer send blank messages - No longer type when dead - Fixed /stuck when on loading island - Fixed double boot screen - Fixed match ending and restart - Fixed Start Game button showing when still in a match and player leaves - Fixed aim on client side - Removed pallets from Old Yard - Added Countdown sound - Added Voiceover sounds - Added music - Added Kill Confirm sound - Added death explosion sound - Cannon now has a max ammo of 5 (instead of 3) - Cannon reloads at 0.5 (instead of 1) Official changes version v0.1.05 - Added flamethrower - Added flamethrower VFX - Fixed Boosting not killing on client side - Fixed Rocket VFX Replication - Fixed end match screen - Fixed water detection on Island map - Fixed music loop - Fixed Audio duplicate - Adjusted handling to slide less - Made turret 3 shots instead of 4 - Added Joining Session screen - Fixed Death fire VFX - Added options to Game menu - Added Game menu UI - Updated car button in Garage - Smoothed landscape on Old Yard - Added health kit - Smoothed landscape on Island map