Plate Warmer, Double Click, Location Busyness, Morning Stock Costs & More!

Grub Truck

Grub Truck is a food truck simulation game where you cook up mouthwatering meals, strategise enticing menus, set the perfect prices, complete quests and decorate your trucks with style. Invest your earnings wisely to upgrade your fleet as you build, cook, and conquer the culinary scene!

[h2]PROCHEF PLATE WARMER[/h2] Keep your food warm whilst you cook! If you want to get ahead of yourself, you can now cook a bunch of food in advance and leave it on the plate warmer for you to server much quicker and more efficiently! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44842222/b00393d0f219bc19f298052c6271ecabbf569c81.png[/img] [h2]DOUBLE CLICK[/h2] As highly requested, you can now double click items to move them to the nearest relevant slot. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44842222/e7be71d8c95acfca75bad141d72b865ce686ba92.gif[/img] [h2]LOCATION BUSYNESS[/h2] You can now see how busy each location is in comparison to each other on the Map Screen! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44842222/75c4f75e852b6e97faca3f50947d3f51f45076b3.png[/img] [h2]MORNING STOCK COSTS[/h2] Stock costs are now halved before 8am as well as on the Map Screen. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44842222/7bd2cab35f6b2297e1980a5fae58beeee4ebcd4b.png[/img] [h3]Tip[/h3] [i]Balance you expensive menu by adding some cheaper items to bring your average price down![/i] [h2]Changelog[/h2] [h3]Added[/h3] [list] [*] NEW APPLIANCE! - ProChef Plate Warmer [*] You can now double click items to move them between slots [*] Stock costs are now halved before 8am [*] Each location now has different spawn rates for customers and passive AI [*] Added the Location Busyness stat to Map Screen Location Info boxes [/list] [h3]Fixed[/h3] [list] [*] Fixed incorrect UI scaling of drink items [*] Fixed not being able to put Bottles of Water back in the Fridge [*] Fixed an issue that would limit customer spawn chance without a live stream camera [/list] [h3]Changed[/h3] [list] [*] Improved SpudMaster Toppings Sprites [*] Improved Jacket Potato Toppings Models [*] Improved all Jacket Potato Sprites [*] Adjusted the Stock Screen tip to be clearer [*] Adjusted Menu Item Quantity Rating Boosts [*] Adjusted Expensive Menu Rating Effect [*] Adjusted the impact that rating has on customer spawn chance [*] Adjusted the customer tracker panel size to fit 4 customer on [*] Adjusted the formula for calculating customer spawn chance [*] Adjusted rating bonuses for serving customers [*] Reduced negative impact of Bad Weather [*] You can no longer move the player when already in a station (unless it is to another station) [*] Changed Location Signature Dishes to match the unlock level [*] Changed default Build Mode rotation keys to Z and X [*] Improved UI Scaling and Quality on the Map Screen Location Previews [*] Reduced XP Gain from serving and cooking [*] Reduced ‘hold to rotate’ sensitivity [/list]