Version 1.2 | New Commercial Counters, New Events, New Achievements & Lots More!

Grub Truck

Grub Truck is a food truck simulation game where you cook up mouthwatering meals, strategise enticing menus, set the perfect prices, complete quests and decorate your trucks with style. Invest your earnings wisely to upgrade your fleet as you build, cook, and conquer the culinary scene!

[h2]NEW COMMERCIAL COUNTERS[/h2] Look more professional and decorate your Grub Truck with the four new Commercial Counters! With the these new counters come some additional variations for the BoilingPoint Spud Master, and both Coffee Machines: [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44842222/e74c7fc20cc6295c29160ad0d612f5216b7b4ee2.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44842222/2d75d54f0fc7a06142797455468be18248e57506.png[/img] [h2]NEW EVENTS[/h2] New events have been added! Now, there’s a chance for Hot Dog Day and Pizza Day, during which, the featured item will be ordered much more frequently. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44842222/3f1a8b71d7e8855b2646b8985a1006cd801533b6.png[/img] [h2]NEW MANAGER | June 2024 Manager Competition Winner[/h2] The winning manager name 'Nacho Daddy' (from the June 2024 Manager Competition) can now be recruited! Thank you to all of the other submissions on our [url=]Discord Server[/url]. Join the Discord to be involved in future competitions! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44842222/5136822d209d4da3b4fa24f958a92b30de95a741.png[/img] [h2]NEW OVEN & FRIDGE[/h2] [b]Frostbite Slender Chill Info[/b] [list] [*] Required Level: 5 [*] Price: $200 [*] Stock Storage: 250 [/list] [b]BoilingPoint Classic Info[/b] [list] [*] Required Level: 2 [*] Price: $125 [*] Cooking Speed: 1.1x [/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44842222/74813c398a29aae760b35c5aa5ad803967820340.png[/img] [h2]MENU PER TRUCK[/h2] Each truck now has it's own persistent menu, allowing you to modify menus per truck. For example, you could have a truck that only sells Tacos and Burritos whilst another offers a variety of options, the choice is yours! [u]Managers Now Use Stock[/u] Along with this, your assigned managers will now use up stock, based on the truck's menu, so make sure to buy enough for them to use! [i]They can still operate without stock but their earning potential will be limited.[/i] [h2]NEW ACHIEVEMENTS[/h2] There have been 6 new achievements added to the game, can you unlock them all? [h2]Changelog[/h2] [h3]Added[/h3] [list] [*] NEW COMMERCIAL KITCHEN COUNTERS! [*] NEW EVENTS! - National Hot Dog Day & Pizza Day [*] NEW MANAGER! - Nacho Daddy (June 2024 Manager Competition winner | puertalykan) [*] 6 NEW ACHIEVEMENTS! [*] NEW OVEN & FRIDGE! - BoilingPoint Class & Frostbite Slender Chill [*] NEW DECORATION! - Basic Bunting (Colourful, Tri-Colour & Orange) [*] NEW THEME SONG! - Cedarwood Heights [*] Added 3 Variants for the SpudMaster, 1 Variant for the Simple Coffee Machine & 1 Variant for the SipSmart Brew Station (Commercial Counter Versions) [*] The info panel on hired managers now displays the name of their currently assigned truck [*] Added an arrow to the Live Stream Camera in build Mode which shows which way the camera is facing [*] Added a battery icon to the battery bar of the Live Streaming Camera [*] You can now right click to auto move items [*] Added a hint regarding needing a bin to dispose of burnt items [*] Info buttons to explain how managers generate money [/list] [h3]Fixed[/h3] [list] [*] Fixed the Live Streaming Camera [*] Fixed shadow artefacts coming through models [*] Fixed the character not looking at some stations whilst using them [*] Fixed average menu price inaccuracy [*] Fixed being able to put items ontop of certain appliances [*] Fixed the Stock Screen rounding quantities before the player has finished typing [*] Fixed wonky walls on the SkyLiner Stallion [*] Fixed customers taking more items than they ordered [*] Fixed some sliders not setting to absolute zero [*] Fixed a bug where you could see the default character and an empty truck on load for a few frames [*] Fixed grass floor inside log cabins at Sycamore Woods [*] Fixed a bug that would not move the player character when zoomed out in Birds Eye Mode [*] Fixed having 0 stream viewers with 0 rating [*] Fixed straight edge of pond at Sycamore Woods [*] Fixed the menu average price displaying as $5.00 or NaN with no menu items [*] Fixed an error that would occur when leaving the game with a live stream camera placed in the truck [*] Fixed AI walking through the log cabins and other obstacles at Sycamore Woods [*] Fixed an error regarding the customer tracker [*] Fixed some food & drink item icons stretching outside of slots [*] Fixed the truck not appearing on the loading screen from the Map Screen [*] Fixed AI walking through apartment buildings at Cedarwood Heights [*] Fixed objects being editable whilst moving other objects [*] Fixed the Tip Jar not rounding the amount [*] Fixed not being able to use time hot keys after editing your menu [*] Fixed Rating Tooltip displaying on the main panel [*] Potentially fixed a bug where food and drink items would get stuck in the middle of the UI [*] Spelling corrections in some event descriptions [*] [/list] [h3]Changed[/h3] [list] [*] MENUS ARE NOW SAVED PER TRUCK! [*] MANAGERS NOW USE STOCK IF IT IS AVAILABLE! [*] The day will no longer end until all customers have left (one way or another) [*] Manager 'Expected Profit' swapped out for 'Experience' [*] All ui should now be exitable with ‘ESC’ [*] The truck grid is now only visible 2m around the object being placed/moved to stop some visual bugs [*] Changed the default hide UI key to F9 [*] The amount of items a customers orders is now influenced by the size of the player’s tray [*] 24h clocks no longer display am/pm [*] Customers will no longer spawn after 21:00 pm [*] Lowered tray upgrade prices [*] Increase Customer Spawn Rate for Cedarwood Heights [*] Balanced Sycamore Woods AI Spawn Rates [*] ‘1 Hour Remaining’ changed to ‘Day Ending Soon!’ [*] Increased Western Bounds for the Camera at Cedarwood Heights [*] Items now fade out when you drag them around [*] Improved average menu price math & rating effects [*] Increased the amount of lights that can be placed on low video settings [*] Reduced Brew Station price to $350 [*] Reduced positive boosts on hard characters [*] Reduced amount of AI at Lunch & Dinner time [*] Balance item unlock levels [/list]