Jacket Potatoes, Cedarwood Heights, Overhauled Map Screen, New Items & More!

Grub Truck

Grub Truck is a food truck simulation game where you cook up mouthwatering meals, strategise enticing menus, set the perfect prices, complete quests and decorate your trucks with style. Invest your earnings wisely to upgrade your fleet as you build, cook, and conquer the culinary scene!

[h2]JACKET POTATOES & MOZZARELLA STICKS![/h2] Be your very own Spudman! You can now get the BoilingPoint SpudMaster, baked yourself some Jacket Potatoes and add your toppings! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44842222/7bdef2fd703d30cc98ba8ff0bd5c2a18f5301098.png[/img] You serve Plain Jacket Potatoes, Jacket Potatoes with Cheese, Jacket Potato with Beans, or a mix (Jacket Potato with Cheese and Cheese). [i]Oh yea - and there's mozzarella sticks in the game now as well![/i] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44842222/962396eaf3b9bca0cfa4753cff97b6dbd994b985.png[/img] [h2]NEW LOCATION! - Cedarwood Heights[/h2] Home to the majority of the local residents, Cedarwood Heights is a vital location to feed the hungry citizens of Chestnut Ridge! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44842222/9559765365165e0daa184fb375d219660130ce9c.png[/img] [h2]OVERHAULED MAP SCREEN[/h2] Say hello to the all new Map Screen! With new SFX, Map Details & Design, Lighting and Location Placement! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44842222/c5f4b05467be5a1d43a81b68454e7a0be004e439.png[/img] [h2]BUILD MODE VARIATIONS & NEW SIGNS[/h2] Some objects now have variations that you can choose from in the side panel, like the letter signs. Speaking of signs, enjoy a range of new signs for you to use! [list] [*] Large Burger Prop [Normal/Sideways/Pole] [*] Large Hot Dog Prop [Normal/Sideways/Pole] [*] Large Coffee Prop [Normal/Sideways/Pole] [*] Large Taco Prop [Normal/Sideways/Pole] [*] Large Burrito Prop [Normal/Sideways/Pole/Sideways Upright/Upright] [*] Red Letters [A-Z] [/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44842222/8e6bbcff263bc1f1f19494b9a31f39a09e3db6b3.png[/img] [h2]NEW LIGHTS & INTERACTABILITY[/h2] Light up your appliances and decorations with the 2 new lights! Don't want them on all of time? No stress! You can now click on lights to turn them on/off. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44842222/29c1feaa6c73ea5407a980a834edf47145cc7b04.png[/img] [h2]NEW DECORATIVE & SERVICE ITEMS[/h2] Decorate your kitchen with some utensils! Get yourself a knife block or the hanging knives. Want to please your customers? Why not offer them a napkin! Get yourself one of the 2 different napkin holders, or go fancy with the automatic Napkin Dispenser! Need something to put all this new stuff on? Make use of the new Kitchen Counters! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44842222/d24a8a55ae4e85343359c67b7e54a0cfcf081eb6.png[/img] [h2]NEW TRUCK WRAP[/h2] [h3]SkyLiner Galley - Wave Crasher[/h3] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44842222/3f9584e8fc017b55dc2c367f193c9d762aa68414.png[/img] [h2]STOCK STORAGE LIMITS[/h2] Keep an eye on how much stock you're buying! You can now only buy as much stock as you have room for. But don't fret as you can buy more fridges/better fridges to increase your maximum stock. [h3]Tips[/h3] [list] [*] [i]You can see how much stock each fridge grants in Build Mode.[/i] [*] [i]You can also see your current stock and your max stock under the purchase button of the stock screen.[/i] [/list] [h2]Changelog[/h2] Along with all of the major additions above, there has been lots of smaller additions, fixes and changes. For info, see the below changelog: [h3]Added[/h3] [list] [*] NEW APPLIANCE! - BoilingPoint SpudMaster [*] NEW MAIN ITEMS! - Jacket Potato [Plain, Cheese, Beans, Cheese & Beans] [*] NEW LOCATION! - Cedarwood Heights [*] NEW SIDE ITEM! - Mozzarella Sticks [*] NEW LIGHTS! - Lumonoex Pointer, Vintage Light [*] NEW DECORATIVE OBJECTS! - Knife Block, Hanging Knives, Kitchen Counter [Plain], Kitchen Counter [Cupboard] [*] NEW SERVICE OBJECTS! - Napkin Holder, Napkin Holder [Upright], Napkin Dispenser [*] NEW SIGNS! - Large Burger Prop [Normal/Sideways/Pole], Large Hot Dog Prop [Normal/Sideways/Pole], Large Coffee Prop [Normal/Sideways/Pole], Large Taco Prop [Normal/Sideways/Pole], Large Burrito Prop [Normal/Sideways/Pole/Sideways Upright/Upright], Red Letters [A-Z] [*] STOCK STORAGE LIMITS - Fridges now grant extra storage so that you can buy more stock [*] NEW TRUCK! - SkyLiner Galley - Wave Crasher [*] OVERHAULED MAPSCREEN! [*] New Morning Routine [*] Add all newer location Map Screen SFX [*] You can now click lights to toggle them on and off [/list] [h3]Fixed[/h3] [list] [*] Fixed upgrading the player tray reward money instead of deducting it [*] Fixed squashed character icon for Rochelle the Rock Girl [*] Fixed incorrect serving counter alignment [*] Corrected an old tutorial message from ‘laptop icon’ to ‘truck icon’ [*] Serve Customer Achievement Counter should no longer carry over to the full version of the game [*] Fixed SFX not playing on Map Screen locations [*] Fixed truck shop not purchasing variations [*] Fixed the truck garage not showing some preview images [*] Fixed an object collision at Birchwood Park [*] Fixed an error when spawning a sitting AI at Birchwood Park [*] Fixed a bug where hidden objects would be displayed in the level up screen [*] Fixed finance screen appearing beneath the Build Menu [*] Fixed the Calm Palms plant being stuck to the floor [*] Fixed some lights being invisible when loading a previous game [*] Fixed Simple Coffee Machine Pivot Point [*] The rating system should now always round to 2 decimal places [*] Fixed the reset camera button not working as intended [/list] [h3]Changed[/h3] [list] [*] Slowed down time, resulting in more play time during the day & in turn increasing the length of the demo [*] Reduced Burrito and Taco Cook Time [*] Condensed all Large Letter Signs into 1 object with variants [*] Improved Live Stream Camera UI collision zone and position [*] Care Packages no longer spawn on the first day [*] Adjusted the Build Mode tutorial to create a better flow [*] Map Screen Performance Improvements [*] Reduced chance of bad weather [*] Increase Counter Size [*] Reduce Old Rusty Oven Size [*] Halved the gap between customers spawning [*] Corrected Pizza Oven Unlock Levels [*] Doubled the chance of special customers spawning [*] Reduced all Pitch Fees [*] Reduced all stock costs [*] Adjusted what levels locations unlock at [*] The pleasant evening track should no longer play during the day [*] Changed tutorial order to match new fridge capacity [/list]