Version 1.0 | Managers, Events, New Customers, New Items & More!

Grub Truck

Grub Truck is a food truck simulation game where you cook up mouthwatering meals, strategise enticing menus, set the perfect prices, complete quests and decorate your trucks with style. Invest your earnings wisely to upgrade your fleet as you build, cook, and conquer the culinary scene!

[h1]VERSION 1.0[/h1] Version 1.0 is here!! Packed with new gameplay features, build mode items, fixes and improvements! [h2]MANAGERS[/h2] Earn some passive income with the new Grub Truck managers! [h3]Candidates[/h3] On the map screen, you can view the Recruitment Agency (button on the right) and see your collection of potential candidates. These candidates have different rarities (common, uncommon, rare, epic & legendary). You can view what their wage would be as well as how much profit they are expected to make. Once you choose who want, click hire and they will go into the 'Your Staff' panel. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44842222/7cc26392a7d40c4fbc5e068eb0ee18c09b25926b.png[/img] [h3]Assigning Managers[/h3] Now you have a manager in your team, open up your garage and press the face icon on the truck you want to assign them to. From here, using the dropdown and select your newly recruited manager. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44842222/8616423aba76d10358c33ad5378473a99c3a44c4.png[/img] [h3]Manager Earnings[/h3] At the end of each day you will see a break down of how much money each manager made as well as their wage. Make sure that truck you assign a manager to has the basic appliances to effectively run the Grub Truck for you! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44842222/19ed4d4e6f9e8b17bb4defdab504d1dedfffb780.png[/img] [h3]Tips[/h3] [i][list] [*] The amount of money a manager can earn increasing as the truck has more appliances. [*] A manager cannot be assigned to the truck that you are currently using. [/list][/i] [h2]EVENTS[/h2] At the start of each day, there is a chance for a special event to occur. These events range from winning the lottery to getting a discount on stock purchases. You can view what the current event is by pressing the calendar icon to the right of your XP/Level bar. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44842222/78d060870bd04e6047a8662fffd16b25941f58e5.png[/img] [h2]NEW CUSTOMERS[/h2] Some new customers have moved into Chestnut Ridge, you can now serve some delicious Grub to the: Skater Boy, Skater Girl, Grub Truck Chef as well as the Tourist Man and Tourist Lady! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44842222/9d1572f2cacea550971857b18487e72fabfc64ba.png[/img] [h2]SIDE SALAD[/h2] Give a healthy side alternative! Not everyone wants greasy food all the time... I think? So add the option of a side salad to your menu! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44842222/58ba547370bf05fda8bff97ba901762242206ef0.png[/img] [h3]NEW SIGNS & LIGHTS[/h3] A range of items have been added to build mode: [list] [*] Large Fish Prop [*] Business Hours Sign [*] No Refunds Sign [*] Fancy Burger Sign [Normal & Wall] [*] Large Fries Prop [Normal, Pole, Sideways] [*] Luminex Wall Cone [*] Luminex Crane [/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44842222/b36038daebf9d6955aec38eca4378c8f1505ed5d.png[/img] [h2]Changelog[/h2] [h3]Added[/h3] [list] [*] TRUCK MANAGERS [*] EVENTS [*] NEW CUSTOMER CHARACTERS - Tourist Man & Lady, Skater Boy & Girl, Grub Truck Chef [*] NEW SIDE MENU ITEM - Side Salad [*] NEW SIGNS - Large Fish Prop, Business Hours Sign, No Refunds Sign, Fancy Burger Sign [Normal & [*] Wall], Large Fries Prop [Normal, Pole, Sideways] [*] NEW LIGHTS - Luminex Wall Cone, Luminex Crane [*] Added Level 6 [*] Objects that go on walls are now required to be correctly alligned [*] New Location Themes! - Aspen Office Distrct & Birchwood Park [*] You now earn a cash bonus for levelling up [*] Revamped Main Menu Scene [*] Live Stream Stats and Effects are now displayed in the top right corner [*] Added an outline to the cursor to improve visibility [*] You can now scroll through the customer tracker [/list] [h3]Fixed[/h3] [list] [*] Complete Re-Code & Fix of the Music Jukebox skipping tracks [*] Fixed the game speed resetting when exiting Build Mode [*] Fixed an occasional error with AI spawning [*] Fixed loud trolley volume at Maple Drive [*] Fixed not being able to place wall fixtures and lights in the SkyLiner Stallion (and other trucks) [*] Fixed customers getting stuck whilst travelling [*] Fixed being able to use the number hotkeys when typing a number in an input field (i.e. stock screen quantities or menu prices) [*] Fixed Sycamore Woods Queue path misalignment [*] Fixed blank screen when buying a new truck [*] Fixed AI walking across the middle of the crossroads in the Aspen Office District [*] Fixed edges of locations [*] Fixed the Resume button closing all UI [*] Fixed incorrect money popup position on the Map Screen [*] Fixed fridge magnet not being placeable [*] Fixed the end of day report expenses included loan payments [*] Max storage is now displayed on the Map Stock Screen [/list] [h3]Changed[/h3] [list] [*] Quick Move now places items in the left-most slot [*] Improved AI Avoidance [*] Bonsai Bay Theme Mixed & Mastered [*] Reduced chance of Special Customers [*] Reduced number of trolley’s being used by AI at Maple Drive [*] Customer wait time is now affected by your XP and level [*] Live Stream Cameras are now limited to one per truck [*] Selling objects now has a cash SFX [*] Added more fries to the fries model [/list]