Version 1.1 | New Fridge, End of Day Warning, Improvements & Bug Fixes

Grub Truck

Grub Truck is a food truck simulation game where you cook up mouthwatering meals, strategise enticing menus, set the perfect prices, complete quests and decorate your trucks with style. Invest your earnings wisely to upgrade your fleet as you build, cook, and conquer the culinary scene!

[h2]NEW FRIDGE[/h2] When reaching Level 3 you now unlock the Frostbite Family Fridge, a cleaner (and more modern) fridge to use in your Grub Truck with more fridge space (175 stock spaces). [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44842222/7aade86a44fbaeb8450a949d7162593418a5fcc9.png[/img] [h2]END OF DAY WARNING[/h2] As recommended, there's now a warning that appears in the last hour of the working day so you can prepare to complete your final orders of the day. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44842222/0e1b38d030b4dadf2a0822cfdad1f84dbd4c5021.gif[/img] [h2]MANAGER EARNINGS[/h2] Manager earnings are now affected by the level of the appliances in their truck and their earnings vary each day. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44842222/63450154c619958a794311fdfd557e5021c876aa.png[/img] [h2]IMPROVEMENTS & BUG FIXES[/h2] There's a large range of other improvements and bug fixes that also come with this update (see the changelog below). Thank you to those that joined the Discord to inform me of any issues! [h2]Changelog[/h2] [h3]Added[/h3] [list] [*] TRUCK MANAGERS [*] EVENTS [*] NEW CUSTOMER CHARACTERS - Tourist Man & Lady, Skater Boy & Girl, Grub Truck Chef [*] NEW SIDE MENU ITEM - Side Salad [*] NEW SIGNS - Large Fish Prop, Business Hours Sign, No Refunds Sign, Fancy Burger Sign [Normal & [*] Wall], Large Fries Prop [Normal, Pole, Sideways] [*] NEW LIGHTS - Luminex Wall Cone, Luminex Crane [*] Added Level 6 [*] Objects that go on walls are now required to be correctly alligned [*] New Location Themes! - Aspen Office Distrct & Birchwood Park [*] You now earn a cash bonus for levelling up [*] Revamped Main Menu Scene [*] Live Stream Stats and Effects are now displayed in the top right corner [*] Added an outline to the cursor to improve visibility [*] You can now scroll through the customer tracker [/list] [h3]Fixed[/h3] [list] [*] Fixed unrounded floating points on the stock screen [*] Fixed fridge items sometimes not being picked up [*] Fixed burnt icons not showing [*] Fixed the tray colliding with fridges [*] Fixed Palm Tree Promenade Path [*] Fixed the player appearing in truck screenshots [*] Fixed the player not looking at some stations when using them [*] Fixed orchard Bliss being at the wrong position on the SipSmart Fizz Jet [*] Fixed being able to use illegal characters in new save names [*] Fixed AI not rotating correctly when in the queue and when watching the Ash Stadium football match [*] Fixed incorrect camera position and angle in truck screenshots [*] Fixed the cursor not always appearing on the end of day report [*] Fixed an issue that would send customers away instantly if you had high amounts of XP [*] Fixed the tutorial not continuing if items were placed on tray slots 3 or 4 [*] Fixed idle animations playing when the game speed is paused [*] Fixed incorrect UI scaling [*] Correct spelling mistakes on player quest rewards [/list] [h3]Changed[/h3] [list] [*] Manager earnings are now affected by appliance level [*] Improved pathing of customers leaving the queue [*] Manager earnings now vary each day [*] Reduced event chance to 60% [*] Map Screen Expenses are no longer included in the End of Day Report [*] Rating from completing customer orders now lasts 3 days [*] Improved Interact Size with food/drink items [*] Improved Drinks Machine’s text fitting [*] Increased Weather Duration [*] Increase Decor Rating Max to 2 stars [*] Reduced chance of special customers [*] Increased the sfx volume of the Care Package hitting the floor [*] Adjusted location unlock levels [*] There is now a processing fee for firing a manager [*] Decreased chance of idle humming [*] Increased time between customer spawns [/list]