Pixelmash is an innovative new pixel art and animation tool based on non-destructive pixelization, perfect for game makers, artists, hobbyists, kids, and lovers of the 8-bit and 16-bit eras.
We’re excited to announce that we’ve released Pixelmash 2023.0, including some great new layer effects (Color Adjustments and a newly enhanced Mirror effect) and several bug fixes and workflow improvements.
The new Color Adjustments effect has sliders to control exposure, saturation, contrast, and hue shift, for when you need to tweak all the colors in a layer together. The Mirror layer effect has been improved and expanded to better support things like reflections in floors or water, now including an opacity slider and a pixel offset amount. Bug fixes and tweaks include useful day-to-day things like making layer selection with the pointer and transform tools more intuitive and reliable, and making images import at the pixel scale of the document rather than scaling to the document bounds.
What's new in v2023.0?
- Added new Color Adjustments layer effect (adjusts exposure, saturation, contrast, and hue shift)
- Improved Mirror layer effect with new opacity slider and pixel offset amount
- Changed layer-based mirroring to be based on content bounds rather than layer centers (document-based mirroring remains the same)
- Made importing an image into a document scale the imported image to the pixel size of the document rather than the document bounds
- When creating a new document from an image, document now starts at 1:1 pixel scale
- Fixed bugs with selecting layers using the pointer and transform tools
- Fixed bug where baking layers would sometimes include content outside the layer
Read more about Pixelmash at nevercenter.com/pixelmash
Check out the release video here: