Patchnote 1.41: bugs fixes and balancing


Krosmaga is a game of skill where the Twelve Gods of the Krosmoz universe settle their differences by pitting creatures, mortals, and demi-gods against each other in a battle of truly epic proportions!

Patch 1.4.1 is bringing a lot of fixes and improvements to Krosmaga. We've gone through the cards in the Necro and Paladir expansions with a fine-toothed comb to get rid of as many bugs as possible and to ensure they're working as expected. Several cards have also been nerfed because their high power levels made them indispensable to classes who could use them. [h1]BUGFIXES[/h1] [u][b]GENERAL[/b][/u] [list][*]A Minion remains stunned after suffering damage of 0. [*]Targeted draws no longer inflict damage (tired) on the Dofus when the deck is empty (Yugo, Lard Devil, Jahash, etc.) [*]The Drhellzerkers' characteristics are now correctly displayed after being logged out. [*]Changes to a Minion's AT attributed by a condition (e.g. Grieving Executor) are correctly reapplied to this Minion when its AT is modified by another effect (e.g. Weakening) for as long as the condition remains applicable. [*]Fixed a bug preventing the playing of a card when an effect immediately returns it to the player's hand after having been stolen or exchanged (e.g. Shadow when your opponent's hand is empty). [*]Fixed a bug preventing spectators from seeing the Shield effect on the Dofus during a game. [*]Fixed a display bug preventing you from seeing that the opponent's deck was empty under certain conditions. [*]Fixed a bug that allowed some Enutrofs to activate their effect despite using the Drhellzerker ability.[/list] [u][b]CARDS[/b][/u] [list][*]Gewd Peek + Corrupted Drheller: The Drheller will inflict its damage on Gewd Peek. [*]Milk Bow Meow: Fixed the cost reduction effect of the other allied Bow Meows when changing team. Its effect now changes team at the same time as this Minion. [*]Davy Contest + Crook Die: The Crook Die effect is correctly accounted for by Davy Contest. [*]Spectral Duelist: Effect fixed so that it only takes the target's Health Points into account, not their Armor. [*]Ambushing Impaler: This Minion's effect will end correctly when it is reduced to silence. [*]Empathy: The order of execution of the effects on the card now matches the card text (shield, then heals). [*]Kriss Krass */**/***: If Kriss is on your team, your Gobbowl Balls are now always free, even if an enemy effect modifies the cost of cards in your hand (Joris***, for example). [*]Timekeeper: It now destroys a Dofus even if the latter is protected by a shield. [*]Grougaloragran **: He now correctly returns to his owner's hand when he drops to 3 Health Points or below without suffering (Sellor Noob, for example). [*]Nox ***: The cost of Minions is correctly updated when Nox changes teams ***. [*]Orbs: Orbs created by an Otomai's transformation into a Necro now correctly merge in their owner's hand. [*]Cheerful Peacemaker: Its effect only becomes active when an allied Minion is healed. [*]Fleeflee: Effects based on a creature belonging to a family entering the game now work with Fleeflee. [*]Cursed Rose: Fixed its effect, which wasn't activated when it suffered damage itself. [*]Rouflee: It will no longer take more than one damage, even when affected by Vulnerability. [*]Dogwood Soldier: Fixed effect of increased Seed damage when changing teams. Its effect now changes team at the same time as this Minion. [*]Tsu Tsu Mikaze: The Tsu Tsu Mikaze's effect is now also activated if he survives damage inflicted by a spell. [*]Paws off!: The card no longer works on Minions with the irremovable effect. [*]Eternal Heroine: The AP costs of your opponent's cards are now correctly updated after suffering a Psykosis Flask. [*]Rapid Fire: The Mortal Blow effects are now activated when an enemy Minion is killed with Rapid Fire.[/list] [h1]BALANCING[/h1] [u][b]CARDS[/b][/u] [b]SRAM[/b] [list][*]Parched: Cost increased from 0 to 2 AP. [*]First Blood: Cost increased from 0 AP to 1 AP..[/list] [b]XELOR[/b] [list][*]Rollback: Cost increased from 7 AP to 8 AP.[/list] [b]ENIRIPSA[/b] [list][*]Necrotized Apostle: Skill modified “END OF TURN: Inflicts 2 damage on enemy Minions on your side." becomes "APPEARANCE: Inflicts 2 damage on enemy Minions on your side."[/list] [b]SADIDA[/b] [list][*]Dogwood Soldier: Skill modified "Your Seeds inflict 1 additional damage when a Minion walks over them." becomes "As long as it is in play, you Seeds inflict 2 damage to enemy Minions who walk over them."[/list] [u][b]MISCELLANEOUS[/b][/u] [list][*]Fixed a bug displaying a Dofus in the center of the screen when quitting while a Dofus is being destroyed. [*]Maintenance messages no longer stack up. Only the most recent countdown is still visible. [*]Fixed quest "Loyal Companions". Now, you correctly need to have 14 drhellers to complete this quest instead of 15. [*]Correction of the texts on the Elite Scout, Marking and Spectral Arachnee cards. [*]Modification of the help text for the "Stunned" skill. [*]Texts clarified on the Tsu Tsu Mikaze, Boo and Emperor Jellix cards. [*]Restandardization of trophy sizes. [*]Fixed a bug that was preventing the sound on the Necronomigore emote being played. [*]Fixed a bug on 2 of the Enutrof god's emotes: The sounds were inversed. [*]Fixed a big that was preventing the display of the sprite of some of the collection's Minions.[/list]