Patch v4.1.1

Got a patch for the latest version of DINO MERCS! Includes these fixes and polishing: [list] [*] Fixed an issue where some common cards weren't unlocked by default, causing a bug on the unlocks screen. [*] Fixed an issue where some stat cards were not being included in Simulated Combat, resulting in some cases where card descriptions were not 100% accurate. [*] Fixed an issue where card descriptions sometimes had wording like "Aim + -12". Now it will be "Aim - 12". [*] Massively buffed Support card passive effects since max stats are so much higher now. [*] When you remove a Support card from your deck, the passive effect is now disabled. [*] Adjusted and balanced the ramping up of Card Slot Effect Levels. [*] Fixed broken Mecha-Styracosaurus character asset. [*] Fixed a case of broken art on an enemy card. [*] Fixed an issue with bonuses to Enemy HP/Shield/Armor not being applied as a run progressed. [*] Fixed some UI issues with stat modules. [/list] In addition to these things, I have a lot of other bugfixes, polishing, and balance fixes planned! Keep an eye out for more patches coming out soon. - Tim, the dev