Got a handful of fixes! Thanks for reporting fixes on the discord server and here on Steam, it's been super helpful.
I've got a bunch of other fixes in the works as well. I'm in the process of reworking card slot effect modifiers, a change that should help simplify everything and improve the gameplay experience. In addition to that, I'll be improving status cards. Some cards produce way too many of them, and they can have an outsized impact (negatively) sometimes.
Here's what this patch includes:
- UI: add a note on unlocks page explaining how unlock points are gained
- Bugfix: fix Enemy Headshot, Cruel Blade cards, they dealt damage to enemy instead of player
- Bugfix: fix enemy and player Blazing Sun cards, in weak slots they imparted Enraged status cards instead of Overheated status cards
- Bugfix: game could soft-lock around combat encounter three, due to some average/deadly enemies lacking an attribute needed for combat encounters
- Bugfix: the last screen of the tutorial disappeared again. I don’t know why. I added it back in. Hopefully it stays this time.