gameplay changes & features:
- New cell types: Root cell (sandbox only), Minion neuron, Fearful neuron, Seek trigger cell, and Negating cell
- Anchor cells have been updated and are now obtainable
- New mutation: Drifting
- Many new creatures by Keith Sammut
- Added some vegetation
- Added button to make seeker cells move away from the cursor, right click by default
- You can now mirror selected cells by double clicking the selection
- When replacing one cell type with another, colors will not be changed unless it is the default color for the old
cell type
- Hovering over the body plan cost in the editor will show the maximum stored biomass. There is a setting to keep
this always visible
- Angry neurons will retarget when they are switched from off to on
- All neurons now adjust action strength based on their voltage. They are still limited by their body's capabilities
- Spikes no longer have a minimum damage, previously spikes were guaranteed to do a certain amount of damage regardless of impact force
- Spikes no longer recover regeneration cooldown when dealing damage
- Regeneration cooldown reduced from 10 seconds to 8 seconds
- Made phasing cells a lighter blue to distinguish them from slippery cells
- Cells that were phasing transition more smoothly to normal
- Made power switch cells easier to activate
- Made leeching and health infusing cells less flexible
- Made leeching and health infusing cells more reliable, and able to transfer with more than one colliding cell at a time
- Leeching cells now have 3 biomass storage
- Poison now only transfers to neighboring cells when it is above a certain threshold. This means poison stays more localized. The build up and decay rates have also been adjusted to be slower
- Poisonous cells now remove poison with negative voltages
- Shock is now an independent cell property instead of depending on voltage. Shock is directly applied by lightning, and will quickly spread between cells regardless of conductivity. This helps grounding cells mitigate shock from further range and makes activating cells with lightning more consistent.
- Sticky cells are now stickier, and lose stickiness less quickly when attached.
- Lightweight cell cost reduced to 1
- Breakaway cells are no longer conductive, they will break when any of their neighbors are powered
- Growth gating cells now block when electrified instead of when not electrified
- Updated the description for Health monitor cells to match what they actually do. The behavior has not changed
- Healthbar displays more clearly when you are over your stored biomass capacity
- Cell collisions are more stable. They bounce less when colliding with each other, and more when
colliding with walls
- Adjusted perpendicular drag to vary by cell type, previously only the parallel drag was different. This makes the altered drag of slippery cells, hard cells, and a few others much more impactful
- Drag is now applied to single cells and one cell thick lines.
- Replaced slippery cells of the main menu snakes with speedy cells
- Improved ai wall avoidance
- Made second biome boss stronger
- Removed turning boost, this was a mechanic that was mostly unnoticeable anyway
- Slightly reduced damage from lava walls, it can still kill you very quickly
- Budding can now grow any cells not part of your main body, not just cells that were present when detaching
- Adjusted starting area generation
- Made controls prompt more immersive
- Maybe fixed spontaneous explosions for real this time
- Particles connecting gates and bosses no longer despawn when the gate is far away
- Fixed cost display showing random numbers when you have no cells
- Cursor is no longer locked to the window in the main menu
- Fixed the game reacting to the mouse when the game is in the background
- Fixed healthbar for detached parts
- Fixed pause persisting when switching from sandbox mode to a normal run
- The game should now run on devices that only support OpenGL 3.3
- Reduced default gif replay buffer size from 40s to 20s
- Added slider for number of gif replay frames
- Several small performance improvements
- Added option for hardware cursor in game settings
- Added setting to pause when the game loses focus, which is enabled by default
- Added screenshake slider to video settings
- Cell growth sound now plays when cells are fully grown instead of when they start growing to avoid the annoying sound with the Budding mutation
- Added launch option --autoreload, to automatically reload lua scripts and shaders
- Added link to the game discord in the main/pause menu