Diesel Legacy is a 2v2 fighting game where four players battle on the same stage at the same time. This unique twist on the traditional fighting game formula adds an entirely new layer of strategy where cooperation will become the key to success.
Hellooooo Iron City,
We've updated Diesel Legacy with a major patch to address unstable internet connections, among other bug fixes and quality of life updates.
See below for more details!
[h3]Build 29145 notes:[/h3]
[*] Improved network data usage. Should help quite a bit with unstable connections.
[*] Matchmaking logic should now rejoin lobbies that it has previously failed to join if no other choices are available, rather than being stuck without playing.
[*] The Quit option from the pause menu is now disabled specifically during active gameplay in matchmaking, pending proper handling of mid-game disconnects.
[*] Ruby's momentum falloff will no longer happen during attacks, and will not happen for at least 75f after any successful attack.
[*] Added clearer disconnection messages.
[*] Bugfix: Hopefully fixed 2v1 and other strange match setups occurring in Meetup games.
[*] Bugfix: Meetup -> Online Vs -> Quit before joining a match now retains the meetup lobby instead of ending the meetup.
[*] Bugfix: Rotwang can no longer ground dash after midair flight activation.
[*] Bugfix: Fixed an issue with simultaneous throw+hit unblockable protection not always functioning properly depending on player order.
Let us know how the patch feels! Join our Discord community:
The Diesel Legacy Team