The Endless Mission is a community-driven creation sandbox game where you can play, hack, and create within a world...within a world...within a world, eventually making and sharing your own games...with the world.
Hi everyone!
It's been a little while. We're happy you're here and we hope this update finds you well!
We have some exciting things coming in The Endless Mission - starting with a brand new update today featuring a fully revamped Editor! Complete details are below.
[b]Account Login Changes[/b]
The first thing you may notice when you go to log in is that the login process has changed (no, you're not imagining things). We’ve moved away from a Steam login into an independent account system that's platform-agnostic.
[i]Super-duper important note: [/i]you will no longer be able to log in with your Steam account. Going forward, you have a couple of options -- you can either create a new account or email us to recover your existing account. Send an email to from the email address you associated with your initial signup and we will send you a temporary password that will allow you to sign in and choose a new password.
[b]Editor Revamp[/b]
We’ve also massively overhauled the visual components of the Editor. From a brand new "Simple Hierarchy View" that allows you to specify different groups of objects to edit at once, to improving the resizing and collapsing functionality for columns -- every little nook and cranny of the Editor saw some love as part of this update.
We've also removed the Lens system in the Editor since it wasn't accomplishing what we wanted it to. That said, it may return in a future update, so stay tuned!
This is just scratching the surface for the update, so be sure to dive in and see for yourself! As always, if you have any questions, come find us on our official Discord ( or drop us an email.
See you in the Terminal!
~The Endless Mission Team