You’ve inherited your uncle’s potion shop—and a huge debt. Better get brewing! Customize your store, hire heroes to gather ingredients, befriend (or romance) fellow vendors to learn new haggling strategies, and go head-to-head with competitors in this narrative-driven, deck-building shop simulator.
[list][*] Fixed Jingle giving you extra patience when used on 0-cost cards
[*] Fixed Fuel to the Fire not affecting interest increases
[*] Fixed playing two Rhythms in one turn not giving the proper cost reduction debuff
[*] Fixed Fuming debuff applying stress damage after the shield is removed
[*] Updated Emotional Minefield so that it is no longer affected by the Sympathy buff the card applies
[*] Fixed an issue regarding vendor screens occasionally softlocking the game
[*] Fixed the eternal confetti bug that was occurring after a competition
[*] Fixed an instance of Baptiste’s portrait icon remaining on-screen after Boss Finn’s competition
[*] Minor wording and typo fixes for some of Corsac’s haggle cards
[*] Fixed a typo in Luna’s second rank-up scene
[*] Further optimized cauldrons, shelves, front display shelves, aging barrels, and shop glamours[/list]
Voracious Games