Ayo muh boyzzz
I heard you like updates
[*]Added a Vehicle Repair pickup
[*]Added a User Interface settings page where you can change the HUD's transparency
[*]Re-enabled the dead and buried Sprint functionality
[*]You can now collect/hoover up all Pickups with the Vehicles
You can now repair the vehicles with the orange gear pickup.
It will restore the Mech with a quarter of its health, and restore the Riot car with half its health.
There are two in each level, but you're gonna have to find them yourself :)
You can also change the various HUD contents' opacity/transparency. Hope it looks alright.
The sprint is jank, which is why it wasn't in the release version. It's still jank but there was a request for it, so bask in the amateurishness.
Sorry for the delay, this update was a pain in the ass.
I did it as best as i could, but please let me know if anything is busted or not functioning as expected.
[h2]Content Looking Forward[/h2]
Right now i'm going to focus on adding all the extra systems and gameplay additions you guys asked for.
I've made lists, and will focus on getting them done first.
After that i'll move over to the level creation entirely and the balancing.
Again, somewhere in 2025, hopefully early but don't bet on my twink brain.
Updates will still happen when stuff goes bad, so don't worry about it if things get a bit silent for a while ːsteamthumbsupː
- JG