Patch 1.0.6 - Weapon Testing

Hover Junkers

Engage in multiplayer VR gunfights that capture real gun play like no FPS you've played before. Pilot and fortify Hover Junkers as you physically walk, duck, dodge and aim in cross ship combat.

[img][/img] [b]version: 1.0.6[/b] The Flare Gun and the Uzi have been unlocked for everyone to playtest in multiplayer! Their official release will be with our first update, 1.1: Buzzbots. Enjoy them in the meantime as we fine tune them. In addition to the weapons, we added a bunch of much requested indicators. A friendly fire warning for TDM, team indicators, win and loss indicators and visuals, and gravity slow sound effects should improve the player experience vastly. We reduced the CPU load of all major systems. Also, setting graphics to 'Low' now reduces CPU load by lightening the IK bodies. Pending bug hotfixes, next up is [b]Update 1.1 - Buzzbots[/b]... [img][/img] [list] [*]Added Friendly fire warning [*]Added Red Team ship indicator [*]Added Blue Team ship indicator [*]Added Team Win indicator [*]Added Team Lose indicator [*]Added 'Win' confetti [*]Added 'Lose' smoke [*]Added ping to scoreboard [*]Added Haptic tick when cylinder closes [*]Added Shattered coffin spawn effect [*]Added Flaregun animations [*]Added additional Uzi animations [*]Added gravity slow sound indication [*]Added randomized tool tips during load scene [/list] [list] [*]Updated local hand and gun alignment to controllers [*]Updated network hand gun and head alignment (fistbumps maximized) [*]Updated Voip default channel [*]Updated Tacklebox volume [*]Updated Lobby UI [/list] [list] [*]Reduced how long Uzi shells exist for [*]Increased flare gun time till fire [*]Defaulted to Ready in between matches [/list] [list] [*]CPU load reduced when graphics are set to 'Low' [*]CPU gains from overall IK body optimizations [*]CPU gains from attachments [*]CPU gains from gravity slow no collisions [/list] [list] [*]Fixed grabbing attachments when dead [*]Fixed scoring loot points after match ends [*]Fixed ship indicator getting stuck on minimap after player leaves [*]Fixed scoreboard going away if you had it out before you die upon respawn [*]Fixed save set ship even when you ride on someone else's ship [/list]