Loadout - Update 1.2

Hover Junkers

Engage in multiplayer VR gunfights that capture real gun play like no FPS you've played before. Pilot and fortify Hover Junkers as you physically walk, duck, dodge and aim in cross ship combat.

[img]https://media.giphy.com/media/l0MYvkbvEWkOHSBnq/giphy.gif[/img] After months of development, [b]Loadout - Update 1.2[/b] has arrived! Play as Fang as you explore the new Loadout bunker. The loadout bunker is a personal space where you can customize your weapon selector and try out new guns before heading into combat. Once in combat you'll discover an array of new attachments to fortify your ship with! The weapons of [b]1.2 Loadout[/b] will be rolling out in weekly stages. Two new guns per week for four weeks totaling [b][i]eight new weapons[/i][/b]! [h1][b]Guns of Week 1[/b][/h1] [b]-Quadshot-[/b] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/l0MYEdqg4SCtCoOju/giphy.gif[/img] A shotgun with tighter spread and four barrels for greater sustained damage then the TripleBarrel. However, the greater capacity and tighter spread comes at the cost of a bit of firepower. [b]-Stapler-[/b] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/3o7TKVM4O5Tvk1UgrC/giphy.gif[/img] A semi auto handgun with pinpoint accuracy. Lowest recoil in the game. Holds ten 9mm rounds per mag. As you may expect, the man stopping power is significantly less than the Redlius revolver. [h1][b]1.2 Update Notes[/b][/h1] [list] [*]STATS RESET [*]LEADERBOARDS RESET [/list] [list] [*]Added: Character LoneWolf [*]Added: LoneWolf's Aviators [*]Added: LoneWolf's Gloves [/list] [list] [*]Added: Lan Mode (See instructions below) [*]Added: Loadout Scene [*]Added: Loadout selection [*]Added: Sound for a head core-shot recieved [*]Added: Sound for a head core-shot dealt [/list] [list] [*]Added: Weapon - Stapler [*]Added: Weapon - Quadshot [*]Added: Weapon - ???????? [*]Added: Weapon - ???????? [*]Added: Weapon - ???????? [*]Added: Weapon - ???????? [*]Added: Weapon - ???????? [*]Added: Weapon - ???????? [/list] [list] [*]Added: Attachment - barricade [*]Added: Attachment - bottle stack [*]Added: Attachment - diving suit [*]Added: Attachment - double slates [*]Added: Attachment - filing cabinet [*]Added: Attachment - flamingos [*]Added: Attachment - fridge door [*]Added: Attachment - port door [*]Added: Attachment - raft door [*]Added: Attachment - shark trophy [*]Added: Attachment - skateboards [*]Added: Attachment - spike [*]Added: Attachment - ticket machine [*]Added: Attachment - tires [*]Added: Attachment - broken boat [*]Added: Attachment - water heater [/list] [list] [*]Fixed: Server list bugged out [*]Fixed: Buzzbots lootbox refill on restart [*]Fixed: Another infinite time stuck bug [*]FIxed: Another possible single controller bug [*]Fixed: Laser pointer visibility [/list] [list] [*]Changed: Ragdolls now heavily affected by forces [/list] [img]http://i.imgur.com/gG1li3M.jpg[/img]