Buzzbot Attack! - Update 1.1

Hover Junkers

Engage in multiplayer VR gunfights that capture real gun play like no FPS you've played before. Pilot and fortify Hover Junkers as you physically walk, duck, dodge and aim in cross ship combat.

[img][/img] Our first free content update, [b]1.1 Buzzbot Attack[/b], is ready for your gaming pleasVRe. As the hardcore PvP players continue to refine their skills we knew that it would be important to introduce a less cutthroat co-op multiplayer mode. Also, Buzzbot Attack features no ship movement, making it a gentler place to get used to the game before diving into PvP with full ship movement. Enter the brand new coliseum solo or with up to 4 players. Choose whether you want to participate in the main event or spectate from a private box. Once the event has begun, fight co-op with friends against waves of bots or watch a friend fight while you serenade them with a keyhorn from the spectator box! [b]version: 1.1.0[/b] [list] [*][b]Added Co-op Mode BuzzBots[/b] [*]Added Coliseum map for Buzzbot mode and potential future events :) [*]Added BuzzBots leaderboards [*]Added keyhorn [*]Added D20 as a lounge toy [*][b]Added release Uzi[/b] [*][b]Added release Flaregun[/b] [/list] [list] [*]Updated Gunther - Gunther's core systems have been reworked so that he will no longer bug out and explode into infinity. Gunther can no longer be picked up or thrown :( but he can still be beat up with toys >:D. [/list] [list] [*]Fixed permadeath bug - A bug that would create permadeath if one controller was unconnected on death has been removed. [*]Fixed Attachment Shader - Attachment shaders are now double-sided so they are more resistant to exploits [*]Fixed ship radios - doppler effect was being applied to music at unwanted times [/list] Look forward to more free content updates throughout the year! [img][/img]