Patch - 03/11/2021

Artifact Foundry

Artifact Foundry, a special edition of Artifact, the DOTA2 card game, with streamlined gameplay, new cards, new single-player content, and an improved new player experience.

[h1]Store Page[/h1] [list] [*] The link to install/play Artifact Foundry now correctly installs Artifact Foundry rather than Artifact Classic[/list] [h1]UI[/h1] [list] [*] Moved mana display from on top of the hand to the bottom-right and top-right corners[/list] [h1]Bugs[/h1] [list] [*] Fixed a bug where mana would sometimes be hidden during deploy and never reappear [*] Fixed tooltips not showing up when hovering on gold or mana [*] Fixed the positioning on the enemy overdraw count [*] Fixed a crash when hovering cards during the transition from the VS screen [*] Fixed a bug preventing the Waiting for Opponent banner from showing when you have no heroes to deploy [*] Fixed a bug incorrectly showing hover tooltips for enemy heroes when hovering their regular hand [*] Fixed tooltips showing incorrect information when hovering unrevealed enemy cards [*] Fixed text and effects on the rank up screen for leaderboard rank[/list] [h1]General[/h1] [list] [*] Deck codes that contain include cards without their heroes (i.e. [i]Living Armor[/i]) will now remove those cards when loaded [*] Added credits to the settings screen [*] [i]Spring the Trap[/i] now staggers its effects so it's not as loud when played [*] [b]Sniper[/b]'s [i]Assassinate[/i] particle effect no longer plays on the caster before it plays on the target[/list] [h1]Balance[/h1] [list] [*] [b]Abaddon[/b] HP increased from 8 > 9 [*] [b]Anti-Mage[/b] HP increased from 4 > 5 [*] [b]Dark Seer[/b] HP increased from 7 > 8 [*] [b]Kanna[/b] HP decreased from 9 > 8 [*] [b]Prellex[/b]'s [i]Barracks[/i] mana cost increased from 2 > 3 [*] [b]Tidehunter[/b] HP decreased from 9 > 8 [*] [b]Tusk's[/b] [i]Ice Shards[/i] mana cost from 2 > 1 [/list]