Patch 0.42 Release Notes


Rogalia is the sandbox with fantasy open world, meal-based character leveling, nice graphics and cozy atmosphere.

[h1]Medium armor and protective parameters[/h1] [img][/img] In addition to armor, two other protective characteristics are now visible: magical resistance and protection. They grow with quality as well as armor. All armor and necklace now possess magical resistance. Protection parameter gives a new set of medium armor, which requires perception instead of survivability and is made mainly from different skins. Also, medium armor has more resistance to magic, unlike heavy one. The increase in armor from the level has been removed. All armor has been rebalanced. For processing large volumes of leather, a large drying frame was added for 4 slots. [h1]Formulas[/h1] [img][/img] Chance of hit = 90 - (accuracy - protection) / 10 Magic damage is reduced by the formula: d * 100 / (100 + r) where d is the original magical damage r - magical resistance [h1]Monsters[/h1] [img][/img] Most monsters now have different subspecies that change their power and level. Wyvern received a unique sprite and besides on the surface, it can be found underground. The underground version only drops dragon skin. Demons and Hellish Rogalians drop components for enchanting. [h1]Weight[/h1] [img][/img] Each item has a weight value. A bag in the bag slot directly increasing carrying capacity, the increase depends on the type of bag (the highest tier is a dragon bag). Strength and vitality also affect the carrying capacity. When overloaded, the character walking speed decreases due to weight. The transfer speed debuff has been removed, allowing you to carry light containers without losing speed. [h1]Mounts[/h1] [img][/img] A horse can be overloaded just like a character, but it carries more weight. The tolerated weight of horses grows with quality, from 250 to 1000. The speed of horses grows with quality, from 150 to 200. [h1]Cap from level[/h1] [img][/img] The level sets the restriction on attribute leveling. This does not kickin until your attributes are above 25 points. Opposite attributes also interfere with attribute increase and balancing. If you reach the limit, the vitamins will simply not be absorbed (but they will not be lost). Rebalance the consumption of food. Maximum satiety grows at 2 units per level, up to 300 at level 100. Fasting is a percentage, so as the level increases, you can get more vitamins. The formula of vitamins has become tougher by 60%. On the background of an increase in satiety up to 3 times, pumping has become faster. Saplings and seeds in nature have been corrected: now they grow and appear in quality upto 29. However, the products that are being torn off (except seeds) from wild plants have 2 times lower quality. The area of ​​land regeneration in nature has been expanded under the seedlings. [h1]Ranged weapons and tincture[/h1] [img][/img] Added 3 crossbows and 1 gun. The characteristics of the existing long-range battle have been rebalanced. Long-range damage now affected by level and potions. [h1]Blacksmithing Enchant Scrolls[/h1] [img][/img] Added 5 blacksmithing enchant scrolls. A simple blacksmithing enchant will sharpen up to 75 and only items up to level 50. Good blacksmithing enchants can be used to make better equipment for late game. Excellent blacksmithing enchant is required for meteoric and demonic armor. Perfect blacksmithing enchant does not break the item being sharpened. However, the cost of such sharpening is very high, besides, it is not suitable for dragon and bloody armor. For enchanting up to 120 quality levels, there is an Infernal blacksmithing enchant. At the time of the introduction of sharpening, it can be obtained in the following ways: by killing the infernal rogalians, supreme demons, princes of darkness, as well as completing a side quest.