Discover and colonize the world, Allocate your labor force, Monopolize markets, Fight tactical battles, Survive the age of imperialism...
[h2]Gameplay Changes[/h2]
[*] Now unfed units and agents get "Hungry" trait. If they are still not fed after 3 turns, they will have the "Starving" trait. These traits will have impact on the dicipline and cause disbandment. (To be completed)
[*] Units and agents lacking their luxury items will go melancholic ("Melancholy" trait). When left unsatisfied, they will grow "Depressed" after 5 turns. These traits will have impact on the dicipline and cause units refuse commands. (To be completed)
[h2]Visual changes[/h2]
[*] Now sandy beach tiles are added besides the cliffs. The European coastline in the main campaign map is updated using [u]geological survey data[/u]. Thanks to all scientists worked in the project for their contribution.
Source: [i][/i]
[*] The main menu background is changed with animated caravel pixelart.
[h2]UI Changes[/h2]
[*] Selecting a town will highlight the region of influence of the selected town.
[h2]New Music Track[/h2]
[*] "Past Centuries Meditation" by Emil Posner adds to the ambience of campaign map.