
Imperial Ambitions

Discover and colonize the world, Allocate your labor force, Monopolize markets, Fight tactical battles, Survive the age of imperialism...

Patch notes: (since 1.3.275) [h3]New feature: Transport capacity[/h3] [list] [*][b]Transport capacity[/b] determines the maximum number of goods that can be transported from a production site (such as a farm) to the capital. The maximum number of raw materials that a production site can deliver is subject to transport cap. of the most accessible town. [*][b]Domestic routes[/b] determine the transport capacity from a town to the capital. The level of transport capacity may be increased by assigning [b]wagons and vessels[/b] to the route at the Towns window. [/list] [h3]New features: Trading and Smuggling[/h3] [list] [*]Players can offer their excess production to other players in[b] Trade window[/b]. Excess good will be delivered before any consumption or production [u](priority for foreign trade vs domestic needs)[/u] [*]Offered products can be visualised in Trade window, middle section. For any offer to be visible, the players need to have met eachother and not currently being boycoted by the seller. [*]An offer may be activated by allocating required number of wagons and vessels as indicated in the offer. [*]The offers may be visible but not available. This can be due to a number of reasons; lack of vessels/wagons, no known path to the capital of the seller. [*][u][b]Smuggling[/b] is now possible[/u]. A town with high corruption* may offer a raw material for sale circumventing their authorities. This will mean the gold will not go to the opponent but also the buyer will likely to pay more for it. [/list] [h3]Other notable changes[/h3] [list] [*][b]Info window[/b] gives information about tiles and units under the mouse. You can find the info window at the right top section of the HUD. [*]The production of each town is listed in Towns window. [*]Boats and units on the boats now sway with waves. [/list] Playtesting will be available until 28th of May. *to be implemented in the future