Our Past and Future

SRPG Studio

"I want to create an original game on my own!" The software has just been released to make your dream come true. By using SRPG Studio, you can easily create a 2D SRPG (Simulation RPG).

Hello, everyone! We looked back at the features added to SRPG Studio in 2022, and we realized there were so many interesting ones! Let's take a look at a few. ・The Localization feature. This allowed games to be played in different languages just by switching folders. No longer do we have to set up project files for each language. ・The official plugin: scriptexecute-videoplayer.js. This allowed not only one but multiple vidoes (mp4, etc.) to be played asynchronously anywhere on the screen. ・The method for getting unit sortie positions getSortiePosX(Y) was wrapped in _getDefaultSortiePosX(Y). This may seem trivial, but it allowed unit sortie positions to be altered dynamically by changing _getDefaultSortiePosX(Y). ・The Composition API. This allowed for effects like Gaussian blurs. In particular, composition-bursttransition.js is quite nifty for epic fights against tough enemy leaders! ・The debugging method: root.writeTestFile. Up until now, debug data could only be written to the console with root.log. But with the addition of root.writeTestFile, debug data can now be written to external files. ・The official plugin: scriptexecute-blankplayer.js. Have you noticed monster motions are often added in our big updates? And have you ever wanted to spawn such monsters infinitely? Now you can easily with this plugin! ・The High Resolution Pack. Map chips (48*48) and face images (144*144) have been released as a part of the pack on the workshop. We also plan on releasing indoor map chips this year. April 10th marks the day SRPG Studio became available to the public. As always, we would like to introduce the new motions that will be added on that day. We hope you will continue to support SRPG Studio in 2023, too!