Auto-backup feature enabled!

SRPG Studio

"I want to create an original game on my own!" The software has just been released to make your dream come true. By using SRPG Studio, you can easily create a 2D SRPG (Simulation RPG).

Hello, everyone! Starting with this version 1.276, srpgs files are automatically backed up every 5 minutes by default. The backed up srpgs files can be found in the Backup folder of the project folder. If you want to disable auto-backup, go to "Tools/Options/Backup". Then set "Setting the backup interval (in minutes)" to 0. [h1]New Features:[/h1] [list] [*]Added "Change Order Number" when right-clicking on an enemy unit. For example, if you choose 1, the unit will act first on enemy turn. [*]Added FULLSCREEN, RESET, and EXIT to the [gamepad] section of game.ini. [*]Added other-autosortie.js, eventtrigger-choiceshowcondition.js, battle-sealmsg.js, and custom-rareweapon.js to official plugins. [/list] [h1]Bug Fixes:[/h1] [list] [*]Fixed a bug that the current HP of an enemy unit exceeds the maximum HP. [*]Fixed a bug that 9999 can be entered, but minus can only be entered up to -999. [/list]