SRPG Studio 1.286 Update Released!

SRPG Studio

"I want to create an original game on my own!" The software has just been released to make your dream come true. By using SRPG Studio, you can easily create a 2D SRPG (Simulation RPG).

Hello, everyone! We have now released version 1.286. [h1]New Features:[/h1] [list] [*]Changed the minimum width and height of "Map Information" to 10. If your game resolution is 640*480 and your map chip size is 48*48, 14*10 will not leave any blank space on your map. Also, the visual of the unit menu does not collapse. [*]The number of event commands available for 'Command' and 'Active Turn in 'Unit Event Settings' has been increased. 'Show Choices', 'Reduce HP', and 'Force Battle' allowed. [*]Added "Use message font instead of default in event editor" to "Tools/Options/Expert". If enabled, the event editor uses the default font instead of the message font. [*]Added window-mapthirdparts.js to official plugins. The first line of victory conditions is always visible on the map. [*]Added calc-itemweight.js which reduces agility when a unit is carrying a weighted item. [*]Added eventtrigger-allareareached.js to check if the unit has reached all specified positions. [/list] [h1]Bug Fixes:[/h1] [list] [*]Fixed a bug when selecting "ID management" in the blank area of Database/Players. [/list]