New update out, several more fixes & QoL updates! - 1.92.2


Join Renata as she adventures across a world of mystical ruins with the titular FROGUN! Frogun is an old-school platformer with the soul of the PS1/N64 era, in which your frog-shaped grappling hook is a your best friend!

Hello everyone! It's been a while since the last patch went out, but that time hasn't been wasted! This is the last big update to Frogun, and should solve all known bugs (except a small selection left as they are for speedrunners to keep using as before!), and includes a bit extra QoL features. Without further ado, here's the update! [h1]Patch notes[/h1] [list] [*] Made posed models for the bosses to use in their death animations [*] Made final boss level results not auto-advance to credits if the level was finished before [*] Added “hold [cancel] to speed up” to credits scene (20x speed) [*] Made the expert time trial not require a full level emblem to appear first [*] Made all medals trigger their achievement again when loading the game, in case some didn’t trigger it due to connection problems in the past [*] Added swap jump/grab buttons option to menu [*] Fixed wrong settings on vertical fog in Brutal Rush [*] Shop icons in level select map don't show "completed level" sparkles anymore [*] Fixed a source of lag near falling icycles [/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40690799/eab3b3fc2f5984b8c778415bfe477fe522082551.gif[/img] As you can see, we've gone from broader changes to more minute ones, and the game now works and runs better than ever thanks to all of your feedback! 🐸💙 [h1]But wait, one more thing![/h1] There will soon be more Frogun-related news, in a way that you might not expect! I've started work on a new project that I hope you all will love. Feel free to [url=]follow me [/url]or [url=]Top Hat Studios [/url]on twitter to know before anyone else! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40690799/41be18a7a69f887ad025a54035b9cbda3529c8d2.png[/img] As always, thank you so very much for your support, your feedback, and your encouragement. See you [b]soon[/b]!