Update 1.92 Live! Bug updates & 1.91 Feedback changes - live on main & beta


Join Renata as she adventures across a world of mystical ruins with the titular FROGUN! Frogun is an old-school platformer with the soul of the PS1/N64 era, in which your frog-shaped grappling hook is a your best friend!

Hi all! Based on feedback from 1.91, we've now updated the game on the main branch to 1.92 - the beta branch also reflects this. This continues on the set of changes already made to the game to deliver some fixes to commonly mentioned issues, such as high refresh rate instability, item persistence, and many other bugfixes. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40690799/b53f1603a0547219ccf10898f6ae2fd97fb3c637.gif[/img] [h1]CHANGES MADE IN THIS BUILD:[/h1] The list of changes is as follows - this list also includes fixes from 1.91: - High refresh rate time scale fixes - [i]FPS logic has been changed to be more frame independent, with behavior shifted to a fixed timescale. This is the biggest change and should make the game far more comfortable for many players, esp. those playing at high FPS rates who found issues with things like bouncing or grappling.[/i] - Made items collected [b]except for obsidian skulls[/b] persistent in a single run through death - [i]this experimental change was much asked for by players and was implemented on our end in response to feedback.[/i] - Made vases with coins that were collected respawn, but empty - Shoot/Camera 45º snapping options - Made “Stomp” attack by Prickly never get out of the platform - Added a note icon on the results screen during the emblem completion phase - Made vases which don’t contain coins to have a red colour pattern instead of green, adding a visual differentiation - Removed redundant death areas at the start of Running with fear - Fixed bug that prevented L's model from appearing in the bestiary - Set checkpoint spawn camera direction to correct direction on all levels - Fixed death animation able to trigger when resetting, which caused a timer bug - Snowball collision improved - Wintry shouldn't get stuck in columns anymore - Changed Wintry’s start animation so it’s inside the ground and not floating outside - Fixed death area in steep descent - Made enemies restart their alert status on respawn - Fixed bug that would cause fly enemies to not register the hit at specific angles - Fixed Hexy’s tiara not unlocking the doppelganger medal when used against Hexy - Dying without reaching any checkpoints resets the death counter to zero - [i]this was a much asked for request especially among completionists and speedrunners[/i] - Moved “Restart Level” option in pause menu to 2nd from top - Moved camera sensitivity X, camera sensitivity Y, camera damping, drop shadow, and character normal shadow to graphics instead of gameplay - Added "Reset to checkpoint" option in pause menu - Fixed a bug that would prevent level music doesn’t play again after dying in some bossfights - Added invert x-axis option to menu - Removed coins at the start of the skull path in Pushy Hallway - Fixed sound issue so audio channels aren’t filled in Wintry’s intro - Removed an arc which caused Renata to get stuck under it on Trap Hall - Made Jake jump correctly after respawning, and improved Jake race behavior on certain levels - Fixed hollow trunk with hole collider so Renata cannot slide down the sides of the hole - Fixed hat models still displaying a shadow if character shadows were disabled - Made tar bubbles hook area bigger and more forgiving - Made jump after tilted shrooms in At the finish line shorter - Made health not get to two lines if the text is too long - Added deadzone option (sensitvity) for movement in addition to camera if possible; also increase general movement deadzones - [i]another much asked for change for accessibility[/i] - Removed wrong column in Race at the topside - Refined camera damping/smoothing behavior so it dampens the Y-axis more than X, so the camera doesn’t have the current problem of “trailing” after the player - Added ability to skip dialogues- [i]another much asked for change for accessibility[/i] - Made spike vine hitboxes smaller - Removed trees from dialogue area on Mountain Jog - Hexy’s icon in level select is now that of a boss level - Fixed Wintry's hitbox sometimes hitting the player when ramming into her - Fireballs don't have blob shadows anymore - You can't zipline towards fireballs anymore - Various other small tweaks & QoL changes - Fixed internal timer bug that affected all of the bosses. - Fixed bug that prevented 45º Snap options to save/load correctly. - Fixed bug that prevented Hide Timer option to save/load correctly. - Fixed Wintry's hitbox during her floating state. - Fixed bug that would make the input used during pause the moment the pause menu was closed. - Coin chests’ break sound is now assigned to the sound effects audio volume slider. - Added nullReferenceException error handlers in UI Control code. - Renata can now shoot the Frogun twice in the air, if the first shot misses. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40690799/d91cab9c5400b4936860d88613ac29f7d71c26a7.gif[/img] This update is possible thanks to all of your feedback, and more is coming soon! Thank you everybody! And last, a big announcement! [h1]Frogun will be on Tokyo Game Show 2022![/h1] I'm super happy to say, that not only will it have its own booth for those of you who can assist to try, but also will be featured in the associated Steam Event, and get a special offer! :) Finally, thank you all for keeping up with the Frogun updates, and I'm looking forward to sharing more news soon! 🐸💙