
Join Renata as she adventures across a world of mystical ruins with the titular FROGUN! Frogun is an old-school platformer with the soul of the PS1/N64 era, in which your frog-shaped grappling hook is a your best friend!

Hello everyone! I'm really happy to finally be able to tell you about the upcoming game, Frogun Encore! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40690799/38a2ed41193b91995d2473ffc51c9b5652ad9faf.png[/img] [previewyoutube=lGocaIO9QvM;full][/previewyoutube] Frogun Encore was initially going to be just a small add-on to the game, but it's closer to a full sequel with tons of new contents and overhauled mechanics. Three years have passed since Renata saved her parents (and the world!) from Beelzebub. Since then, it's been a tradition to spend some time at Hatter and Jake's house every summer, camping, hiking and having fun in general. But one day, when they're coming back from a hike on the jungle, they see Jake's town attacked by Fly Bois! It seems there's still some of them loyal to Beelzebub, and under the command of General Fluff, they are scheming to use technology to bring the Lord of the Flies back to this world... So now they have to chase them all over the world to thwart their plan! [h1]New moves, new mechanics[/h1] Renata and Jake are now a bit older, and as such, they are more agile and know more tricks! They run a bit faster and jump a bit higher, but also... [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40690799/b79c23c3da03fa8cfcb1be48d35088f11254c61a.gif[/img] They can get a lot of extra height by tossing a grabbed vase or enemy downwards, achieving a big double jump, or they can catapult jump out of a zipline to leap over the wall they latched to. They can even perform a little twirl double jump to get an extra bit of height and more precision on their landing! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40690799/238d7dcb83aa5c26381510c1005a55edb4124b1e.gif[/img] All of that in addition to slight changes on how ziplining to a wall works, vertical autoaim, and lots of little improvements to make gameplay faster and less restrictive than in the original Frogun. [h1]A trip around the world[/h1] Flying on Hatter's new plane, you'll discover how Renata's world looks beyond the ruins of the Temple of Beelzebub, from its home region of Mosquia to the dry dunes of Sandalia or the thermal lakes of Yushi. You might even run into some old friends, and even buy hats from them instead of from Hatter! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40690799/032fa7cf2bd9e09393d7c4953d0287f84dfe01bf.gif[/img] [h1]Playing together[/h1] Since Jake (and Snatch!) is coming along from the start, a second player can join at any point during a stage! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40690799/6f9a61df94f3dfbc970247ff651812ad3b95956b.gif[/img] Bounce off each other heads, race to the end or collaborate to get every bit of treasure along the way and defeat bosses together. It's couch coop like in the old times! [h1]Launching this summer[/h1] Development is pretty advanced at this point, and it's been difficult to keep the secret until now, but completely worth it just for being able to tell you the game is coming out very soon, as it's planned to release this summer season! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40690799/dad023e6514b56c4dc04d6fb91ad639073d80808.png[/img] So, the only thing left to say is THANK YOU! For the support, for the kind words, for the feedback. I really hope you like what Encore brings and that you can enjoy it even more than the original Frogun.🐸💙 You can wishlist here!!