New Demo patch is live - The final trap is now a lot more fair!


Explore Copperfields in a journey of hope and discovery. Navigate a breathtaking, post-apocalyptic world as a unique protagonist on a quest for survival, discovering remnants of a lost city. Master twin-stick mechanics, solve puzzles, and uncover secrets in search of the rarest resource: water

During our extensive playtesting with new players we found that most of them hit the same wall in gameplay so we adjusted the main issue and made the trap more fair. Other than that we used the opportunity to fix some more things in the demo: Visual: 1. There is a leaf particle that shows when you take damage 2. Leaves now glow when regaining health Balancing: 1. The last trap now has a slower delay time 2. The last turret has more wind up before shooting to give players the opportunity to dodge 3. Reduced the amount of spikes at the beginning of the game (it was kind of too much considering the players are still adjusting to the movement) Share more feedback with us to help us polish up the demo! Thank you to all the players who helped us locate these issues.