Necros and Paladirs: Now online!


Krosmaga is a game of skill where the Twelve Gods of the Krosmoz universe settle their differences by pitting creatures, mortals, and demi-gods against each other in a battle of truly epic proportions!

As announced in an earlier news item, the depths of the World of Twelve are finally ready to reveal their terrible secret today... [b]Jump into the game to discover the all-new Necros and Paladirs extension![/b] No sooner has their god made his appearance in the game than they've already done irreparable harm! The disciples of Enutrof, the newest member of the Krosmaga pantheon, have held nothing back in their dark exertions.  As a result of all their frantic digging, they've managed to release an ancient evil, a secret painstakingly buried at the planet's core by the gods themselves... But enough talk! You probably knew all that already. More than ever, the World of Twelve needs your help to send these evil Necros back to the grave. So stop waiting around and come join the fight alongside the Paladirs, the valiant warriors who are boldly resisting the invaders! [b]Come and join us in-game now to discover:[/b] [list][*][b]150 brand-new cards![/b] [*]A ninth god: [b]Enutrof the Great Scrooge.[/b] [*][b]New gameplay mechanics.[/b] [*]And two new tribes: [b]the Necros and the Paladirs.[/b][/list] In addition, upon your first login in the game, you will receive [b]3 packs from the expansion as a gift![/b] Wait no more before getting these new cards! For more information, visit: [url=][/url] [h1]Krosmaga, now available in Russian and Brazilian Portuguese![/h1] As an additional bonus for our international community, Krosmaga has been [b]entirely translated into Russian and Brazilian Portuguese![/b] Whether you use the existing cards or the brand new content from the expansion, you will now be able to play the game in your language of choice. Select your language directly in the updater, or on the login screen if you play on mobile. [img][/img]