Patchnote 1.5


Krosmaga is a game of skill where the Twelve Gods of the Krosmoz universe settle their differences by pitting creatures, mortals, and demi-gods against each other in a battle of truly epic proportions!

On Monday, September 11th, we have deployed a new patch for Krosmaga that contains, amongst others, several balancing changes made to the cards. Check all the changes below! [h1]CHANGES[/h1] [b][u]EQUILIBRAGE[/u][/b] [list][*]The maximum number of Krosmic cards per deck is now 7. Read the [url=]devblog[/url] to learn more about the new limit.[/list] [b][u]INTERFACES[/u][/b] [list][*]On tablet or smartphone, when a loading error occurs, players with a guest account will be asked to confirm their account so they won't lose their information. [*]A bonus will now be given to players returning to the game after more than 30 days (boosters + special Ecaflip challenges). [*]Addition of an icon appearing in combat to signify an unstable connection.[/list] [h1]BUGFIXES[/h1] [b][u]IN COMBAT[/u][/b] [list][*]When reconnecting on a device that is struggling to load a match, animations from events that happened while the player was offline no longer play when they rejoin the game.[/list] [b][u]CARTES[/u][/b] [list][*]Anathar: Its effect is now triggered like other counterattacks (regardless of the source), no longer only during a fight. [*]Jahash: If entered into play by an Otomai transformation, it will now make its owner draw a card instead of whoever's turn it is. [*]Evangelyne: A sound once again plays during its appearance animation.[/list] [b][u]BALANCING[/u][/b] [b]Neutral[/b] [list][*]Necronomigore: Its effect now lasts for 5 turns instead of 7. [*]Arachnee Embroiderer: Skill changed: "APPEARANCE: Returns a Minion with 2 AT or less to your opponent's hand." is now "APPEARANCE: Returns a Minion with 2 AT or less on your side to your opponent's hand." [*]Major Arachnee: Skill changed: "APPEARANCE: Returns a Minion to its owner's hand." is now "APPEARANCE: Returns a Minion on your side to its owner's hand." [*]Az: Cost increased from 4 to 5 AP. [*]Midgin Knight: Skill changed: "APPEARANCE: Charges 1 cell." is now "APPEARANCE: Charges 1 cell if an enemy Minion is on its row." HP reduced from 4 to 3. [*]Flopin: Cost increased from 3 to 4 AP. [*]Blue Larva: Skill changed: "APPEARANCE: Each player draws 2 cards." is now "APPEARANCE: Each player draws 1 card." Attack increased from 1 to 2. [*]Golden Young Wild Boar: Cost increased from 5 to 7 AP. [*]Tsu Tsu Mikaze: MP reduced from 4 to 3.[/list] [b]Infinites[/b] [list][*]Marline**: Attack increased from 1 to 2. HP increased from 2 to 3. [*]Jahash**: Skill changed: "APPEARANCE: Puts the first spell from your deck in your hand; it costs 5 AP less." is now "APPEARANCE: Puts the first spell from your deck in your hand; it costs 3 AP less." [*]Jahash***: Skill changed: "APPEARANCE: Puts the first spell from your deck in your hand; it costs 0 AP." is now "APPEARANCE: Puts the first spell from your deck in your hand; it costs 4 AP less." [*]Adamai*: Cost increased from 3 to 4 AP. [*]Adamai**: Cost increased from 4 to 6 AP. [*]Adamai***: Cost increased from 6 to 8 AP. HP reduced from 6 to 5.[/list] [b]Ecaflip[/b] [list][*]Bow Meow Post: Attack increased from 0 to 1. HP reduced from 6 to 5. Cost reduced from 5 to 3 AP. [*]Craps: Skill changed from "Inflicts 7 damage distributed randomly between all the Dofus." to "Inflicts 8 OR 4 damage distributed between enemy Dofus." Cost increased from 4 to 7 AP. [*]Crook Die: Cost reduced from 2 to 1 AP. [*]Nomekop Wodly: Skill changed from "APPEARANCE: Summons 3 Black Bow Meows on adjacent cells." to "APPEARANCE: Summons 2 Bow Meows on adjacent cells." [*]Roll Again: Cost reduced from 2 to 1 AP. [*]Ecaflip Roulette: Skill changed: "Confers 1d6 AR on a Minion. It is destroyed if a 6 is thrown." is now "Gives 1d6 AR to a Minion." Cost increased from 2 to 3 AP. [*]Shesearch: Skill changed: "APPEARANCE: Adds a Black Bow Meow to your hand." is now "APPEARANCE: Summons a Black Bow Meow to the targeted cell." [*]All or Nothing: Cost reduced from 3 to 2 AP. [*]Cheating: Cost reduced from 1 to 0 AP.[/list] [b]Eniripsa[/b] [list][*]Zaldior: HP reduced from 8 to 5.[/list] [b]Enutrof[/b] [list][*]Bernadetta Racci: Attack increased from 3 to 4. HP increased from 5 to 6. [*]Outdated Champion: Skill changed: "NECRO | APPEARANCE: Sets the MP of Minions to 2." is now "NECRO | APPEARANCE: Sets the MP of enemy Minions to 2." [*]Hollowed: Cost reduced from 4 to 3 AP. [*]In the Bag: Skill changed: "APPEARANCE: Replaces your prisms with Loot. Gains +1 AT and +1 AR for each prism transformed." is now "APPEARANCE: Unearths an item of Loot on your starting cells. Gains +1 AT and +1 AR for each prism transformed." [*]Breeding: Cost reduced from 2 to 1 AP. [*]Burying: Skill changed: "Confers irremovable on your Minions" is now "Target a Minion; when it dies, it is placed on its owner's deck." [*]Kip Agau: Attack increased from 2 to 4. [*]Prime of Life: Cost reduced from 3 to 2 AP. [*]Rascal: Skill changed: "Teleports an allied Minion onto a free cell on your first line." is now "Each player discards as many cards from their deck as they have Minions in play." [*]Haven Bag: Skill changed: Destroys all Loot in play to inflict that amount in damage on the targeted Dofus." is now "Inflict as much damage on a Dofus as there is Loot in play." [*]Shovel Shaker: Skill changed: "Sacrifice an allied prism to inflict 5 damage to Minions on its row." is now "Target a cell to unearth an item of Loot after inflicting 3 damage to enemy Minions on that row." Cost increased from 3 to 4 AP. [*]Ratchet: Skill changed: "Inflicts 1 damage on enemy Minions whenever you pick up an item of Loot" is now "Inflicts 1 damage on the enemy Dofus on its row whenever you pick up an item of Loot." Attack reduced from 3 to 2. HP increased from 4 to 5. [*]Catch-up: Skill changed: "Each player draws until they have 4 cards in their hand." is now "Each player draws until they have 5 cards in their hand." [*]Toot: Skill changed: "Charges 2 cells when it picks up Loot." is now "As long as it is in play, your Loot is free." [*]Transdrhellzerker: Skill changed: "Transforms your Enutrofs into 4/4 Drhellzerkers." is now "Transforms one of your Enutrofs into a 5/5 Drhellzerker." [*]Ancestral Vitality: Skill changed: "Sets the MP of Minions that are in play to 3." is now "Sets the MP of Minions that are in play to 4." Cost increased from 2 to 3 AP.[/list] [b]Sacrier[/b] [list][*]Attraction: Skill changed: "Attracts an enemy Minion by 7 cells." is now "Attracts all enemy prisms toward your side." Cost increased from 2 to 5 AP. [*]Blood Punch: Cost reduced from 4 to 3 AP. [*]Tex Alyckn: HP increased from 3 to 4. [*]Edasse the Killjoy: HP increased from 4 to 5. [*]Clot the Crapulous: Skill changed: "APPEARANCE: Attracts the first enemy Minion in front of it by 3 cells." is now "APPEARANCE: Puts the first Sacrier from your deck in your hand." [*]Jet the Flying Foot: Skill changed: "APPEARANCE: Charges as many cells as you have injured Minions." is now "APPEARANCE: Charges 1 cell whenever another of your Minions or one of your Dofus suffers damage." [*]Punishment: Cost reduced from 8 to 7 AP. [*]Sacrifice: Skill changed: "Sacrifice an allied Minion; your other Minions gain +2 AT." is now "Sacrifice one of your Minions to inflict damage equal to their AT on another Minion." Cost reduced from 4 to 2 AP. [*]Bloody Mistake: Cost reduced from 6 to 3 AP.[/list] [b][u]INTERFACES[/u][/b] [list][*]Fixed a problem affecting the alignment of the button to enter Draft mode when the game was in Russian. [*]Made changes to matchmaking to make it easier to find unranked matches. [*]Fixed a problem in the Shop where a white image would be displayed in the purchase confirmation window. [*]Fixed a problem with the updater that prevented the player from reconnecting to combat without restarting the game. [*]Fixed a problem where kamas would fail to update properly after a reward was collected and the window was closed too quickly. [*]Corrected various typos. [*]Fixed a bug affecting notifications (news, offerings, new cards). [*]Fixed a bug that prevented Steam achievements from updating. [*]Replaced the Necros & Paladirs logo with the Krosmaga logo on the loading screen. [*]When reconnecting to a match, the player automatically leaves AFK mode. [*]The animation for suffering damage no longer plays before the death animation if the attack suffered is fatal. [*]Info boxes triggered by the death of a Dofus now appear faster. [*]The resolution of a spell now starts at the same time as the god's animation. [*]Tiles move slightly faster when a Minion dies.[/list]