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Riftwalker is a rogue-like tower defense in a world consumed by darkness, featuring rich backstory and endless, detailed procedural levels. You play the role of a riftwalker in a scouting party sent to investigate a nearby missing star, but find more than you were expecting - a civilization, or rather, what's left of it.

[h1]Stay Connected![/h1] As the game continues to develop, I'm continually looking for ways to maintain and improve communications with you. Now the tricky part is doing this while minimizing the amount of time it takes to keep everything up to date. So I figured, why not Discord? Discord will serve as an extra route of communication, most of the Steam news will be reposted there - but Discord will allow me to respond to messages a lot faster than Steam. Communicating over discord will also feel a lot more natural as I think we've all grown to use discord on a regular basis while talking to friends and playing our favorite games. [h1]Join the official Riftwalker Discord server![/h1] How to join? Simply follow the white rabbit. [b]......(\ /) ......( . .)[/b] [url=] ...C(") (") [/url]